Your public schools...


Mr. Negativity
Jan 12, 2004
The West Coast
and private tutors at work...

The only question is, will she blame alcohol or cocaine for her poor spelling or will she admit that she actually can't read?
Azal, I would gladly nail her as long as I didn't actually have to listen to her thoughts. I feel like I should wash my brain after reading that.
I think the issue is that she doesn't think she is dumb but that she is also right "because I have such an impact on younger generations, as the generations older than me. Which we all know and can obviously see." Much to my chagrin, little girls admire her and not just because she is rich and successful but also they envy her lifestyle, which includes but is not limited to drug use, promiscuity, stupidity, a complete lack of humility, arrogance, a disregard for education, an emphasis on consumerism and materialism, and genuine attention grabbing whorishness and borishness. She lacks civic-mindedness and civility, which while annoying and seemingly self-serving publicity seeking from celebrities like Sean Penn, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and Bono, is at least an incitement towards social justice though I'd like to see them sign over their portion of their $25 million contracts directly over to charity organizations that they have no affiliation with as opposed to buying multimillion dollar homes in the Hollywood Hills. An act like that would at least be a positive use of the influence they have in America because of obsession with celebrity here in the US.
I am not extremely familiar with this actress, though having googled her up I find her vaguely recognisable. Is she really a big deal? In greece we beat our women when they step out of line.
Yeah, rule of thumb I think is still on the books, but you'd be condemned in the court of public opinion and criminally prosecuted. She is a big enough deal that her stupid face, along with a moronic quote, is in the paper pretty much every day.
I'd like to see them sign over their portion of their $25 million contracts directly over to charity organizations that they have no affiliation with as opposed to buying multimillion dollar homes in the Hollywood Hills. An act like that would at least be a positive use of the influence they have in America because of obsession with celebrity here in the US.
