ok now i've really gone hysterically blind...


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
...from the sheer idiocy of this article:

Woman Loses 33 lbs. Eating McDonald's
"Super Size Me," the Oscar-nominated documentary by Morgan Spurlock that showed the inherent health dangers of eating too much fast food, angered Henderson, N.C. resident Merab Morgan so much she decided to prove it wrong. Like Spurlock, she decided to eat nothing but McDonald's food for 90 days. Unlike Spurlock, she limited herself to 1,400 calories a day.

The results? By day 67 she had lost 33 pounds, reports the Raleigh News & Observer. Morgan is 5 feet, 9 inches tall and now weighs about 195 pounds. She hopes to lose between 40 and 60 pounds. Her dress size dropped from a 22 or 24 to a 15. She says she feels great, despite other people worrying about the effects of Sausage Burritos and Filet-O-Fish sandwiches on her cholesterol.

Morgan calls it the "poor man's diet," since it costs just $9 to $11 a day for three meals. It's also a big time-saver since she can purchase and eat each meal in about five minutes. Some days she buys all three meals at once and then eats when she gets hungry.

Needless to say, health experts are horrified. Barry Popkin, director of the Interdisciplinary Obesity Center at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a professor of nutrition and public health, told the News & Observer that eating nothing but McDonald's is not healthy since it will not provide needed vitamins, minerals, fiber and dairy. The only reason Morgan is losing weight is because she's limiting herself to 1,400 calories daily. "She's created, for her lifestyle, a very smart diet," Popkin explained to News & Observer reporter Vicki Cheng. "The moral of the story for every person is, you've got to work out a plan that fits your lifestyle. I really admire her restraint. The problem is, it's a lifetime issue."

What's next for Merab Morgan? She wants to become to McDonald's what Jared Fogle is to Subway.
"Morgan calls it the "poor man's diet," since it costs just $9 to $11 a day for three meals."

Whoa, I spend about half that on groceries each month and I'm not exactly living off ramen noodles.
haha! but it's always turkey or chicken sausage so my arteries should still have a little luster in them!
There was an incident when I had some coupon to save $5 if I spent $30 and my total was like a dollar short so I frantically started tossing candy bars in the mix to avoid the gaze of quick check customers behind me, you probably ended up with that receipt. They kept coming up on some Super Mega Happy Fun Card sale so I had to keep adding more, but the elusive $30 total was finally reached!