guys i need your help again. seriously.


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
gift for a girl. $20-50. her birthday's TOMORROW (friday) but i can get away with ordering it and saying it hasn't arrived yet.

last year the highlight suggestions were 1. socks from the sock lady, which i bought (thank you, Sam) and 2. something from's boobtique, which i bought for myself (thank you, absent_preppy)

DVDs and CDs are out--she used to work for Sony and has 2 million of them.

she has a pet kitty. she doesn't really like to read. she likes clothes and shoes. without straying into gift-certificate territory, or figurine!!

even ideas of cool websites to browse around on would be nice. i went to Flyrabbit and almost bought her an ostrich egg but sadly, that would be a gift for me, not her.
Paul has some good ideas...

I would say also look at maybe a couple cool cat decorations, such as statues or something..

since you live in boston, you will probably be able to find a marshalls or tjmaxx (yes, i dislike the stores), but they tend to have cool decorations... If nothing else, at least flowers in a nice vase.

can you please shorten you sig too? :(

she would love a massage or something like that, but anything i could afford would probably involve a "happy ending".

steve, sorry you don't like my sig, but there's a reason why it has to be. don't hate the playa, hate the game.
is this someone you are interested in or involved with romantically...

if she is into clothes and shoes, then one thing to consider is accessories, like earrings. earrings are a pretty safe gift...there are some cool ones at , and of course a number of other sites.

and whoever mentioned the gift of lotions, another good idea.

I know gift certificates are sometimes considered an impersonal gift and therefore gauche, but a gift certificate for one of those spas where they do the pedicure, pamper-your-body type deal is something alot of women would lap up with a spoon.

no jewelry. maybe bath & body shop stuff, but that's like the modern-day candles 'n' coffee mugs.

i'm thinking of checking out DVDs that came out since she left Sony and stopped getting them for free? sigh.
xfer said:
steve, sorry you don't like my sig, but there's a reason why it has to be. don't hate the playa, hate the game.
this sounds like "i can't be held accountable for my actions"

not that i have anything against the sig; it's amazing. i even gave you rep points for it.
Arrr them scruvy dogs be all up on me shit on that thar subject of my signature

"See the STOLEN Home Vid...
September 17th, 2003 10:04 PM
nice sig... could it be longer?

I don't get it
September 15th, 2003 04:40 PM
You're a cat-loving faggot. Go back to the stupid corner.

I don't get it
September 15th, 2003 03:37 PM
you are gay

I don't get it
September 15th, 2003 03:36 PM
hey, i have nothing against the War of the Sigs; i just think you could've come up with a better reasoning. like it was prescribed by your doctor, and people should leave you alone as you are only trying to become a functioning member of society.