I need help again from any Norwegian... please!!!


Land of hope and glory
Jan 7, 2006
Hei... i have a Norsk exam on july 5th and by the day after tomorrow i must give the teacher analysis of "Et dukkehjem"... i have already done some parts, as Ibsen biography, but there is the part of the personal opinion that i really cant translate...

if anyone can translate for me i would be grateful for life :worship: and obviously if you need any italian translation i am here :loco:

heres what i should translate

"I think et dukkehjem is a very interesting book and it has in the final act its best message; because nora' s departure is a really strong message at the time: while a woman had to obey to his man whatever it happened; nora decides to leave him when she understands that her marriage was nothing but a farce. In 8 years torvald and her had never talked much; and her only function was the one to make the husband cheerful when he came back tired from his work. So ibsen make of nora one of the first literaty representations of the modern women: a pre-feminist; able to rebel against the social sottomission she is forced to. She understand she has been "a doll" for torvald and going away from him and the children she decide to start a new life with dignity.
In his books, ibsen sees a fracture between the authentic values in life and the rules given from society. What s more, being this a theatre play, the character's evolution doesn t come from analysis of their psychology or description of their souls; but it is in their actions, in the silence and the dialogues; thin but very incisive.
If you study Norwegian at the uni, I say you can translate that by yourself!
Give it a try matey! :)
this is only a small part of the homework... i am so tired for translating all the rest, that i m not able to translate it... i hadnt good teachers and so my norsk knowledge is poor

however i chose norsk cause i wanted to study finnish; but i couldn t afford to move very far from my city to study it; and i chose another nordic language! and i don t like normal things :loco:
Hey! Don't diss my language! :p But I also wonder, why on earth Norwegian?

I could have done it, but I suck in translating directly, that means that I would make you fail your exams. (really, I am that bad)
This is a clear sign that I'm bored! And, good-hearted perhaps? :)

Jeg synes "et dukkehjem" er en veldig interessant bok, og den har in den siste "scena" (unsure about this one) den beste beskjeden; fordi Nora's (departure) er en veldig sterk beskjed (at the time): når en kvinne må lyde mannen sin, hva enn som har skjedd; nora bestemmer seg for å forlate han når hun skjønner at ekteskapet ikke var noe annet enn en spøk. På 8 år hadde hun og Torvald ikke snakket mye, og hennes eneste funksjon var den å gjøre mannen hennes glad når han kom trøtt hjem fra jobb. Ibsen lagde Nora en av de første representantene av den moderne kvinne: en pre-feminist; (able to rebel againstg the social sottomission) hun er tvunget til. Hun forstår at hun har vert "en dukke" for Torvald, og at hun skal forlate ham og barna for å starte et nytt liv i (dignity). I bøkene sine ser Ibsen (a fracture) mellom (the authenic) verdier i livet, og reglene gitt for samfunnet.
(What s more, being this a theatre play, the character's evolution doesn t come from analysis of their psychology or description of their souls; but it is in their actions, in the silence and the dialogues; thin but very incisive.)

There, I haven't translated all, but most of it.
Respect! said:
This is a clear sign that I'm bored! And, good-hearted perhaps? :)

Jeg synes "et dukkehjem" er en veldig interessant bok, og den har in den siste "scena" (unsure about this one) den beste beskjeden; fordi Nora's (departure) er en veldig sterk beskjed (at the time): når en kvinne må lyde mannen sin, hva enn som har skjedd; nora bestemmer seg for å forlate han når hun skjønner at ekteskapet ikke var noe annet enn en spøk. På 8 år hadde hun og Torvald ikke snakket mye, og hennes eneste funksjon var den å gjøre mannen hennes glad når han kom trøtt hjem fra jobb. Ibsen lagde Nora en av de første representantene av den moderne kvinne: en pre-feminist; (able to rebel againstg the social sottomission) hun er tvunget til. Hun forstår at hun har vert "en dukke" for Torvald, og at hun skal forlate ham og barna for å starte et nytt liv i (dignity). I bøkene sine ser Ibsen (a fracture) mellom (the authenic) verdier i livet, og reglene gitt for samfunnet.
(What s more, being this a theatre play, the character's evolution doesn t come from analysis of their psychology or description of their souls; but it is in their actions, in the silence and the dialogues; thin but very incisive.)

There, I haven't translated all, but most of it.
wanna do my work too?