I need help again from any Norwegian... please!!!

Eleonora said:
no but i study norwegian at university!

Tight. I want to find a school to learn Nowegian culture and language so when I move their it'll be alot more fun.
.i think it was kinda on respect!, but you got this weird disease that you think that everything is about you :lol:
it's good that swedes and norweigians understand eachother.. but sometimes it bothers the hell out of me when some words are just one letter from being the exact same word in swedish.. stupid? of course.. sorry

Otränad said:
it's good that swedes and norweigians understand eachother.. but sometimes it bothers the hell out of me when some words are just one letter from being the exact same word in swedish.. stupid? of course.. sorry

nice "6 red x" in your sig dude