Recent content by metalheadjohn666

  1. metalheadjohn666

    Bloodstock Open Air

    Bit late I know, but only just been able to get the camera working long enough to get these on photobucket lol. Enjoy lol. And apologies, I ahven't a clue how to make them smaller. :erk:
  2. metalheadjohn666

    profile song

    "Too Many Broken Hearts"- Jason fucking Donovan.
  3. metalheadjohn666

    US tour

    Yes, because legally arming the chavs, now there's a genius idea. I wouldn't be able to walk down the bloody street without a bulletproof vest!
  4. metalheadjohn666


    I speak nothing but.
  5. metalheadjohn666

    Mandatory Now Playing

    "The Call of the Wintermoon"- Immortal
  6. metalheadjohn666

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    This is win. When they played "Verdelet" at BOA, I was in heaven.
  7. metalheadjohn666

    Recent Purchases

    "Death Magnetic" "Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik"- Taake
  8. metalheadjohn666


    Still, if they're going to keep on doing it, I'd rather them be making stuff like "Death Magnetic" than the insipid country-fied rock they've been shitting out for the best part of two decades. It's by no means their best, "Ride the Lightning" especially shits all over it, but it's easily the...
  9. metalheadjohn666

    Star Wars Poll

    Probably "Empire". I have only seen one of the new trilogy.
  10. metalheadjohn666

    Classic Film Moments

    Arnie thrusting his fist through someone in the original Terminator is high on my list. All the T2 love makes me sad. lol.
  11. metalheadjohn666

    Bloodstock 09

    Taake. Immortal. That would do me.
  12. metalheadjohn666

    Top 25 Most Disgusting Album Covers (NSFW)

    I laughed more than once. "In a Metal Mood", now that's horrifying.
  13. metalheadjohn666

    Mandatory Now Playing

    "Brandish the Sceptre"- Sodom
  14. metalheadjohn666


    I don't think it's too bad, actually. But of course, on order to keep one's kvlt total high, I have to say it's a bag of wank. :P