profile song

okay guys Iam gonna try something different,
do you have any Ideas what else I could take?
I mean it should be more Old-school stuff, EviLe doesn't really fit well..
any classic- Thrash- or Heavy- metal song??
hang on, you've never heard of Justice - who're a German band - yet you live in Germany?

Do you live near hayern? If so then you SERIOUSLY need to GTFO.

hating Megadeth. What next? Evile are gash?
I'm always trying to Avoid talkin about the Megadeth-Issue so sorry for hurting anyones feelings here.. :lol:
It's just a band I probably never will get into..(though I tried so hard with beer) haha!
and I'm living near "Passau" (german city) and though I live in germany I haven't hurt about it.

Dude, If I wouldn't like EvIle I wouldn't have shaked Ol's hand at the Exodus concert and would't buy their record?!!