How do u do sweeps?

Well unfortunetly man they are one of the hardest techniques that I have certainly tried. Ive been practising them for around 6 months now, and I still can only 3 string sweeps and 5 sting when Im lucky. So the most important thing if you are going to begin to try these out. Is that you have a LOT of patience.

Basically the best thing to start with is working on 3 string sweeps. To get your right hand and left in sink together.

So try going from:
the 15th fret on the G
to the 14th on the B
to the 12th fret on the E

Keep doing this over and over. Until you can do it at a good speed and can hear each note individually.

How long have you been playing for so far mate?
I can honestly say that even though I bash people here for admiring Alexi Laiho so much.....he was the reason why I started practicing sweeps those years ago. My patience of course has paid off...thank you Mr. Laiho for being an inspiration!
its not THAT hard, you just need a good coordination between your left and right hand. one word of advice though, don't "muscle" through the strings, keep your right wrist relaxed and let the pick smoothly glide between the strings. feels more natural once you get it down.

and the world's best sweep picker has to be John Petrucci. his right hand technique in general is just out of this fkn world.
delt said:
its not THAT hard, you just need a good coordination between your left and right hand. one word of advice though, don't "muscle" through the strings,

I agree. The actual picking isn't that hard, it's getting it to work with the fret hand. Focus on the fret hand and not letting notes ring together, and keep it relaxed.
I was watching a video of Dream Theater in Paris, and they were doing Stream of Consciouness. On the solo, holy FUCK. Petrucci does a sweep, and it's so fast that it looks like he taps the low e with his finger and jumps up to tap the high e, it doesn't even looks like his hand makes the movement from one place to another, it just teleports
sweeping's been a bitch to regain so far; i was ok at them before back in the day but after being out of practice so long the sweeping went out the door; so it's like starting over. Frustrating but i practice the sons of bitches as much as I can. It DOES help!! But definately, start with the 3(15,13,12), try to hammer on the 15th fret of the high e eventually and take it back down.
just make sure you learn arpeggios first, then learn how to sweep them, its not a tough technique, its just difficult to speed it up. im doing vai styled tapping (8 finger sweep tapping-thats some tough shit! took me almost a year to do full neck stuff on this!) also the best advice i could give any guitaist thats serious about improvement...GET A FUCKING METRONOME OR DRUM MACHINE AND JAM WITH THAT SHIT!!!!
damn i dont have a webcam.... :cry:

i find it easier to switch between the first 2 shapes with a slide on the A string from 12 to 15 with my pinky, than like he does (slide on the high E string) ............. i'll have to practice that....
delt said:
the world's best sweep picker has to be John Petrucci.

He actually messes up his few sweeping parts live all the time, notably glass prison. Check out marcel coenen, rusty cooley and shawn lane.

of course the god of writing sweeping arpeggiated songs...
JASON BECKER. for anyone who hasn't the serrana arpeggios video.
Ok, im playing guitar since 2 years now... but im not sure what is an arpeggios...????? (I speak french...) It is a "gamme" in french? someone can tell me what is a damn arpeggios?


btw.. im learning to sweep too.. its kinda hard but with pratice.. ill get it ;)
ok, how about the first 2 A min. shapes that friday13th played in that little video, here's the first one:

----10------------------10 -------

and the second one, same notes but adding the high A:


make sure each note sounds by itself and not with another one... that's a bit tricky with notes that are on the same fret (like the ones i put in bold) because you have to "balance" your finger to put pressure on one note, then on the other, exactly at the right moment your pick plays them.