Recent content by morierdeity

  1. morierdeity

    Why people find philosophers annoying

    I agree with the statement regarding people's ego and feeling annoyed or angered when someone questions what they feel is right. A very good book to read is How to Win Friends and Influence People. In one part of this book it looks at how the other person's ego is crucial to any conversation...
  2. morierdeity

    Do your parents like Bodom?

    My mom was with me when I saw Unholy Allliance, and she actually liked "the motherfuckers from Finland". Go figure...
  3. morierdeity

    Favorite Bodom Solo.

    Downfall, something about those Malmsteen-ish shred licks at 200 bpm and the arpeggio part at the end just hit my musical G-spot.