Recent content by Mr.Painkiller

  1. M

    Which Label has the best bands?

    my vote was for century media, alhtough i hate the label, the bands completely kick ass. \m/
  2. M

    Is wearing a band's shirt to a concert the "wrong" thing to do?

    In general, i think people say this becasue, NO Shit, you like the band your seeing, or else your not going to be there, or your heinously whipped. Also, i imagine it might have started because everyone would wear, for instance, a metallica shirt to a metallica concert, which would be odd to...
  3. M

    musicians in NC

    awesome. we'll have to fuckin raise some hell then. :rock: and ill try and write out a couple of riffs and ideas and whatnot, you know try and have some more shit to bring with me. I play guitar, as i probably mentioned, and i like to think im good at it. what do you play? and how much of a...
  4. M

    I scarred the hell out of a bunch of ppl w/a poem I wrote...

    hey man, that poem was awesome, and i do the same whenever i write anything - add in metal references \m/ if your willing to post more id be happy to read em. rock on
  5. M

    musicians in NC

    I'm in burlington during the school year. and i can make it to Asheville pretty easily. would you want to jam somtime in january? ill be back at school then... my ass just got home for the break. as for charleston, man, i can come down some try some things out, see how they work. what kinda...
  6. M

    Opeth -vs- Otep

    i cant believe there'd be any answer other than this, but Opeth competely owns optep in every respect, especially when it comes to complexity of music, style, fitting keys, vocals, clean/distorted transitions, and anything related to music not aforementioned. Opeth rules... I'm done. Rock on.
  7. M


    hehe, i'll still go with Dickenson, solely cause i love Maiden :) Petrucci or Van Halen
  8. M

    sweep picking

    the only thing that really works, is practice like hell, Then some.
  9. M

    You're into metal since.....

    i loved Metallica's 'One' when i was growing up and that had come out, but had no idea of the different kinds of music, and therefore wasn't really interested in metal, for i was maybe 8, or 9. but in ninth greade my friend showed me Kill 'em All and i thought it was the best thing i had ever...
  10. M

    The GMD Now Playing Thread!!!

    Children of Bodom - Hate Me
  11. M

    Most Kickass Riff of all time?

    shit, how could i forget: Megadeth - Hangar 18, Lucretia, 99 ways to die....aaaaaaaahhhh toooooooo much metal. heh, nope, nevermind theres no such thing, just to much to type, anyway enjoy.
  12. M

    Most Kickass Riff of all time?

    YAY FOR HELL AWAITS also: Pantera - regular people (conceit), COwboys From Hell, Cemetary Gates Randy Rhoads - Crazy Train, Diary of a Madman, Revelation Mother Earth (ozzy shouldnt sing for this one)... Maiden - the Trooper Metallica/Mustaine - The Four Horsemen Nevermore - The Seven...
  13. M

    Metal Game

    moonspell, unfortunately only due to my own ignorance of moonsorrow's sound Pantera or Nevermore?
  14. M

    hey hey hey

    sounds good man, where you from? if you need a guitarist im game... anyway, good luck man
  15. M

    hey hey hey

    sounds good man, where you from? if you need a guitarist im game... anyway, good luck man