Recent content by neverpurify

  1. neverpurify

    Toontrack Metal month 2014

    Although the EZX is decent, this year's metal month is reminding me of this gem You too can be a bedroom metal god!
  2. neverpurify

    new Sanctuary song streaming

    I think it's pretty good.
  3. neverpurify

    new Sanctuary song streaming
  4. neverpurify

    No Pick Challenge

    what did you use for bass?
  5. neverpurify

    webdriver torso

    what in the hell is webdriver torso? I figured the notes must mean something but I can't figure all of them out. anyone here messed with this? it's probably nothing getting a lot of attention for pretending to be something.
  6. neverpurify

    EZ Drummer 2 review

    I've messed around with it some. I like the included kits. the search feature is nice if you have a ton of toontrack midi but it doesn't seem to work the same with other midi tracks.
  7. neverpurify

    EZ Drummer 2 review

    Apparently so. I just downloaded and installed it.
  8. neverpurify

    EZ Drummer 2 review

    for me personally ezdrummer 2 should be a big help in writing songs. I am not very good at programming drum parts and a lot of the time I end up giving up on a song idea because of that. so getting the rough tracks done using the song builder and then going back at the end to tweak the patterns...
  9. neverpurify

    why are some people

    well I wasn't only talking about christians. whether it be the threat of god, santa clause or the boogyman, there have always been threats to try and make a person act right. I guess it works for some people. but if you don't practice it yourself then you are looked down upon by most christians...
  10. neverpurify

    why are some people

    why are some people unable to teach their children how to be good people and be nice to other people without the threat of an invisible vengeful being? is the reward for being a good person not enough of a reward? is it just a lazy tactic? just curious.
  11. neverpurify

    FREE MIDIPak - Terminus Metal - 107+ drum grooves

    very cool. thanks!
  12. neverpurify

    Create an album game

    Icius Subinermis - she'll have a reasonable husband chillout/lounge
  13. neverpurify

    Kinky shit.

    I remember a few years ago me and a friend were talking about music. I stated that the song that was on was the soundtrack to my life (jokingly) to which she replied "my song would be fuck me in the ass until I pass out." unfortunately she wasn't extending an offer to me. anytime I've tried...
  14. neverpurify

    New song of my band Catuvolcus (epic black metal)

    epic war metal lol. I hate sub genres too but I like your tunes so I'll be waiting for this. I dig the vocals.
  15. neverpurify

    The Ultimate Metal Snack..

    this should last about a month.:Smokedev: