Recent content by OfSinsAndShred

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    Thomas Miller

    Whaaaaat?! Okay, so the first time I went to New York was with my old band Meltdown to open up the first show of Dark Empire, the band of another SX forumer (Matt Moliti/Yngvai X). These guys, Ethereality, were also on the show. This was in like... 2007, maybe? 2006? It took me half the...
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    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Hi, guys! It's been way, way, too long. Everyone who knew me on the forum is probably long gone, but I have a lot of great memories and made a lot of great friends posting here back in the day. (Jaxx, Zach, Yasmin, Charis, Kenneth who wrecked my social life by recommending Gene Wolfe, Harris...
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    Official Off Topic Thread

    I dunno. Busy playin' riffs, I guess. What's new around here?
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    New HQ vinyls released in September!!

    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. My record player is my favorite thing in the world, and now I can blast Divine Wings on it. Yes.
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    Official Off Topic Thread

    I'm just about to start "Latro." :grin: Also, wow - I've been away for years, and it's great to come back and see so many familiar faces. This forum rules. Hi, guys!
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    All kinds of Gene Wolfe. Thanks, Ken.
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    Are you going the see Symphony X on the new tours? If so, where and when?

    I realize this post is kind of old, but waitaminute. Another yinzer on the forum? What part of town are you from? And go to Cleveland - I've driven there to see SX like 5 times, and it's worth it.
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    Official Off Topic Thread

    :( We need another thing where we all get together, like that one SX show that I wussed out on.
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    Official Off Topic Thread

    While we're welcoming back regulars who fell off the face of the earth... I didn't have a computer for like 15 months. I rejoined modern society a few hours ago. I missed you guys! :D Also, Harris, I totally work with a guy who knows you. Crazy!
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    This week's top 5: Dio memorial

    1) What's your first memory of hearing Dio? My friend Chase showed me Holy Diver and said, "Check out this main riff, and I DARE you not to headbang!" 2) Have you seen Dio live? If so, what do you most remember about the experience? Nope. :( 3) What was the first album you bought which featured...
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    Just for fun: TPAM - TPBM

    TPAM: Just plain white walls (and my sweet Dinosaur Comics poster). TPBM: What's the last good book you've read?
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    Thomas Miller's new band Thunder's Majesty

    After listening to it again: I'm not really a fan of this song, but it makes me want to check out the album when it's done. If there's some more upbeat stuff, it could really rock.
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    Thomas Miller's new band Thunder's Majesty

    Not blown away by it, but it's cool. He's still a really tight player, but I've never been a fan of his tone, to be honest.
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    MJR birthday wish thread

    Happy birthday. Thanks for teaching me most of what I know about music!
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    Official Off Topic Thread

    Keeperxii - It's a little different from most fantasy. It has a distinct lack of wizards, elves, orcs, etc..