Official Off Topic Thread

The report from last night's Toronto International Film Festival indicates that there was a massive, lengthy standing ovation throughout the end credits of the first showing.

I'm glad that GOOD literature is being sagely adapted for film. It seems that some of these stories would never reach a wide audience without film, as we seem so disinclined to read and instead prefer condensed eye-candy. I'm glad that books like Cloud Atlas are there to offset the dross of Hunger Games, Shades of Gray, and other pulp refuse recycled from Campbell's cookbook. Here's to hoping others such as Wolfe's "Latro", Rothfuss, Kay's "Under Heaven", or Mieville's "City & The City" have a chance for the screen to showcase what good writing can do for an audience that has abandoned it.

This trailer is better, too:

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I am actually sad about the his death. I occasionally watch the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on youtube and he was a regular and always very nice on that show. A good actor too. Shame.

Thank You

Stupid comment! RIP!

Thank You

The report from last night's Toronto International Film Festival indicates that there was a massive, lengthy standing ovation throughout the end credits of the first showing.

I'm glad that GOOD literature is being sagely adapted for film to offset the dross of Hunger Games

what the hell?!?
the Hunger Games movie was a spectacularly well-done social-commentary movie

and here's my roommates thoughts on The Hunger Games
I don't think Hunger Games, the movie, was terrible. It wasn't good. But it wasn't terrible either.

I hadn't heard of this Cloud Atlas thing before. I suppose the book is well worth reading before the movie comes out? It seems interesting enough.
Yeah, read the book.

As good as the film looks like it is going to be, inevitably the book is always better. Plus, you'll know what the fuck is going on.

Hunger Games is just re-hash of the same romance/adventure story that has been retold a billion times. It is probably okay for "young adults".
Yeah, read the book. As good as the film looks like it is going to be, inevitably the book is always better. Plus, you'll know what the fuck is going on.

there are lots of things where i would say the Movie is actually better than the source material
Men In Black and the 3rd season of Dexter immediately come to mind

Hunger Games is just re-hash of the same romance/adventure story that has been retold a billion times. It is probably okay for "young adults".

watch the video i posted
and then tell me Hunger Games is "romance" or "retold a billion times" or anywhere near acceptable for "YOUNG adults"
there are lots of things where i would say the Movie is actually better than the source material
Men In Black and the 3rd season of Dexter immediately come to mind

watch the video i posted
and then tell me Hunger Games is "romance" or "retold a billion times" or anywhere near acceptable for "YOUNG adults"
Since this thread died with your post.

Men In Black? Really? What's the source material? Awful shit too.

Dude, HG is a kids movie. It's like the next Harry Potter. It's young adults. Go to your favorite book store and figure out which section it's in. And the main plot point revolves around romance. Yawn. Read just about anything else.
Harry Potter isn't too bad though. Although the universe is really easy to rip apart if you think about it for a moment.

Rambo was a book originally, I hear.

I would have replied to Orson Scott Card thing if I had the slightest idea who he is. I don't really even want to know, though. Ignorance indeed is bliss.

I love following Formula 1 this year, best season since I started watching back in 96/97.
sounds that can't be made is so fucking god damn fucking fucking good fucking.

gaza, sounds that can't be made, power, montréal, invisible rain, the sky above the rain

sick songs.
That's nice. Should even I try it, as someone who only listens to a little bit of Marillion now and again?

Like he'll say no. :p

Yeah it's worth at least checking out. It's kinda different (while still being Marillion) so it might be better than you expected. Imo a great example of how a band can modernize its sound while still being awesome.
I like the new Marillion too, though as always Steve Hogarth's voice comes off as slightly affected to me.
Here's to hoping others such as Wolfe's "Latro", Rothfuss, Kay's "Under Heaven", or Mieville's "City & The City" have a chance for the screen to showcase what good writing can do for an audience that has abandoned it.
I'm just about to start "Latro." :grin:

Also, wow - I've been away for years, and it's great to come back and see so many familiar faces. This forum rules. Hi, guys!