Thomas Miller's new band Thunder's Majesty

Cool to hear him on his own to see where some of the DWoT sound came from. Is he playing the guitar as well?
Sounds pretty demoish. There is definitely some cool DWOT kind of vibe there and the bass line is cool. Vocals are alright.
I like it. Definitely has a strong neoclassical touch. You could have played that to me blind and I would've known that was him. Tom's tone is very distinct and I am glad that he is doing something again. So I guess this means that he finally overcame his stage fright and will probably tour for this record.
Good for him.:rock:
Not bad song and good playing...but nothing new really.

Not blown away by it, but it's cool. He's still a really tight player, but I've never been a fan of his tone, to be honest.
Yeah his tone would probably go better with some fusion jazz or funk type stuff. But I still like his tone in TDWOT, has pretty good definition and bass and punch. IMO better than bass tone where is nothing more than bass and alot of distortion :rolleyes:
The whole thing sounded kind of cool. Like you said, definitely nothing new. Nothing particularly awesome about the guitars and vocals, bass lines were pretty nice though.

While listening to it, I was thinking "that's probably how SyX would sound if they had 1/10 the musicianship they actually have".

Still, I'm glad to see Tom Miller isn't dead, and I hope he'll put out something tight with his new band.
While I'm not a fan of the generic power metal vocals, it's cool to hear the bass have such a prominent role in a metal song. However, the song is kind of boring aside from the bass, and really repetitive. I also don't think it flows well at all.
Sounds like Crimson Glory or 80s Fates Warning in parts. I agree with the notion that it's nothing special overall, but the bassline is cool and the sound, as always with Miller, is ungodly. SX need to bring back that sound fused with Lepond's impeccable playing.
This is kind of reminiscent of the cool and different twist that SX put "Tubular Bells" on Church Of The Machine and likewise gives us a different slant on the theme from 1979's "Phantasm".

Miller's tone is still absolutely killer. Reminds me of the old SX with a smidgeon of Sieges Even.

I've always highly approved of Mr. Miller's songwriting craft and he still continues to not disappoint.

Now if they could just fix that abrupt ending.
Hello guys, I have a question...
Do you know how I could contact Thomas Miller directly? I have something important to ask him... do you think I can send him a personal message via his myspace page? or perhaps Jax can give me his professional email? thank you!
He probably is the most underrated bass player ever, practically nobody's even heard of the guy or are even aware that he played on those SX albums.

It definitely is cool music too. By the way the Phantasm theme was actually in Entombed's "Left Hand Path" if you didn't know.