Maybe I would take your opinion more seriously if you could properly spell 'genius'.
lol. geez you're an asshole. Did I spell geez right?
Maybe I would take your opinion more seriously if you could properly spell 'genius'.
To be honest the only evidence for this is circumstantial, at best, and it just seems like the typical blame game that goes on when a band's albums go in a direction someone doesn't like or decline in quality (in their opinion), where they pin it all on one person in the band because it's easier to accept. The chances are that, while Thomas Miller did play a part, Michael Romeo was just as responsible for DWOT as he was for PL or Iconoclast, and it just happens that you find one to be a great piece of music and the other not so much. I'm sure you wouldn't agree with all of Romeo's tastes in music (i.e. he probably likes some music you consider bad), so obviously not every piece of music he makes is going to coincide with your tastes.
This is how it is when you first start out with your band:
"Yeah man!!! Our band is gonna be so original! We're gonna be writing and performing music like no band before and we're going to be sooooooo unique and we're gonna have so many loyal fans to our music!!!"
Then after 2-4 albums, where no one is coming to your shows, you don't have any airplay, you don't have a music video, you're still living with your mom and dad, and you barely make enough money to support your constant drinking, wife, and 2 children, it's like this:
"Man, our music is so original man!!! But you know, that one song on our last album that was 3:30 long, had fast riffs, and almost no keyboard on it except a tiny keyboard solo that just mimiced the guitar, people were so into that song and they were banging their heads!!! Maybe we should write more of those songs!!!"
So then, people finally are coming to the shows, the band is making money, and they're actually getting the recognition they deserve. Then they're like:
"Okay, we made a couple more short fast metal songs, why don't we make a whole ALBUM with short fast metal songs, and maybe have 2-3 songs in our old style but still make it heavy so the crowd can bob their head along with us!! Yeah!!!"
"Their sound" is still there, its just now a lot easier for people who are not into their music to listen to. This has happened with most bands, including Dream Theater, Metallica, and now even Symphony X.
seriously? is this a troll thread or something?
I totally disagree.
I guess some of you lost your BALLS. Did you forget this is HEAVY METAL ???
ICONOCLAST is the definition of HEAVY METAL. PERIOD.
They seem to believe that their albums should have a theme. Like PL was about good vs evil with respect to that particular work. IC seems to represent the conflict between man vs machine. I noticed in the earlier albums there were the masks that seem to suggest a conflict of sorts, two selves, one self divided, like perhaps in the cover of V.
The fact that Romeo and others do not even consider SX prog is beyond me. There is almost nothing non-prog about Divine, V, or Odyssey.
progressive rock/metal cannot stay the same forever. The entire point of progressive music is to constantly do something different.
Too much speculation going on here.
The truth is, Romeo was always the main songwriter. Miller used to write most of the lyrics. All the bandmembers help contribute to the songs. There is no conspiracy here. Allen writes alot of the lyrics now. People complain because the last two albums are not like the older Symphony X stuff. Well too bad. The band writes and plays what they want to. I am thankful they keep making new albums! I LOVE everything these guys do! It's all amazing. Some stuff I like better than other stuff, but it's all excellent. I lean towards the heavier side of metal, so I LOVE "Iconoclast". It's some of the baddest I ever heard in my life. I don't want Symphony X to just keep doing exactly the same things they have already done. I think it's great if they want to go dark and heavy. Paradise Lost was a great album. The only problem was, it was too short! We waited four years for 60 minutes of new music. That sucked. ICONOCLAST is a 2-cd digipack. 12 tracks. 12 AWESOME TRACKS I might add! I have no idea why people are complaining about it. I think it's the whole "prog snob" thing. Because if you claim to be a fan of METAL.... there is NO WAY you can say anything bad about "Iconoclast". It's a full-throttle assault from start to finish. Not a weak track on there. The guys put a ton of work into it, and it shows. Some of the greatest crushing rhythms since PANTERA and ANNIHILATOR!
Rullo's drumming is on another level, and Allen's vocals are as strong as ever. Excellent tasteful keyboard work by Pinella, and LuPond does a killer job of bringing the earth-shaking bottom end to the compositions. What can I say about Romeo... the guy is a genius, and he just slays on the Caparison.
Romeo is the best thing that ever happened to heavy metal music. PERIOD.
It's on a whole new level now. Symphony X is the bar to which all other metal music is measured against. They always have been.
I listen to all kinds of metal, including some of the more extreme. If I want a more "in your face"/heavier style of metal there are tons of bands I will go listen to. This is the exact reason why I still like the last two albums decently, but at the same time why I have been disappointed in them. SyX was my favorite band because their music offered not only something I loved, but something no other band could come close to offering as well.
I can still hear SOME of the old SyX elements throughout the last two albums;
however, the increase in heaviness of the sound engineering and the more simplistic song structures to appeal to a wider audience doesn't differentiate them enough from other bands anymore for me to still consider them my favorite band.
I am done attempting to put sense in your heads.
I totally disagree.
If you actually KNOW the guys from Symphony X, you wouldn't say this.
Romeo isn't going to compromise because he wants to sell more albums. They write and play the music they WANT to. Romeo and the guys want to do more darker, heavier stuff. Hell yeah, I LOVE that! I would cry if they started going SOFT on me! I want them to be hardcore. After all.... it's all about METAL! Symphony X is not Dream Theater or RUSH, and they are not John Williams. Thank God Romeo is true to his roots. He loves METAL, and so do I. "Iconoclast" is EXACTLY what I was hoping they would do! I was blown away from the very first listen. Killer heavy stuff! It's as if they wrote this album just for me. We already have DWoT, and V, and Odyssey. Those albums are also amazing. Everything Symphony X has ever done is amazing. I love ALL of it. Nobody does it like Symphony X. NOBODY. I am sick and tired of people complaining that Symphony X sold-out. Or they are not as good as they used to be. Or they are not "progressive" enough anymore.
I guess some of you lost your BALLS. Did you forget this is HEAVY METAL ???
ICONOCLAST is the definition of HEAVY METAL. PERIOD.
If you actually KNOW the guys from Metallica, you wouldn't say this.
Hetfield isn't going to compromise because he wants to sell more albums. They write and play the music they WANT to. Hetfield and the guys want to do more pussy, country stuff. Hell yeah, I LOVE that! I would cry if they started going SOFT on me! I want them to be hardcore. After all.... it's all about COUNTRY! Metallica is not Dream Theater or RUSH, and they are not John Williams. Thank God Hetfield is true to his roots. He loves COUNTRY, and so do I. "LOAD" is EXACTLY what I was hoping they would do! I was blown away from the very first listen. Killer heavy stuff! It's as if they wrote this album just for me. We already have MOP, and AJFA, and Black. Those albums are also amazing. Everything Metallica has ever done is amazing. I love ALL of it. Nobody does it like Metallica. NOBODY. I am sick and tired of people complaining that Metallica sold-out. Or they are not as good as they used to be. Or they are not "metal" enough anymore.
One of the things Symphony X does well is not sounding like a broken record (like certain big "prog" metal bands these days). They paint a different picture with every album and they do it very well musically (even on my least favorite albums by them).
And if you listen to all kinds of metal, please tell me ONE BAND that is similar to SX. Not rip-off bands, but what you would consider to be in the same genre. I wouldn't even bother trying to point any band.