Thomas Miller


Are You Morbid?
I don't know if this has been addressed before, but I've been getting the back catalog of SX albums with Thomas on them and he's a really great bassist, as well as writer.

I don't think LePond has exactly made his own identity in the band yet, but I can only assume he's as good, if not better than Thomas. I would like LePond to be a bit more out in the front like Miller was.
I think some of the thing with LePond could be the particular kind of bass he uses, and/or the way it's mixed. When I can hear him well, he sounds really good, like in "Egypt" on V. But he seems not to be very audible most of the time, unfortunately...
I think Lepond is great. Some of his bass lines on the Odyssey were awesome. Also on the Live cd, he does a few tricks here and there. I have to agree that his bass lines aren't as audible as Miller's was. I think they could be on the same level when it comes to talent. I do enjoy Miller's bass lines on the self-titled, especially on "Taunting the Notorious," and "A Lesson Before Dying." Shredtastic stuff lol.
Actually it's alot about the type of songs they are making, when miller was still around their songs were kind of "more prog" which gave the bass lines more freedom, but sure the are many parts where you can hear Lepond too(Communion and the oracle, Egypt, The Odyssey).
I wonder though if LePond's style has made them go into a harder, more melodic direction since Miller's departure. I noticed going through the back catalog that they were a bit more melodic and flowing and not as heavy. The guitar seems to have gotten a bit more crunchy since he left. Thinking about it from this point of view, LePond would have to play up to snuff with Romeo, as well as making is own stuff (ie Awakenings). So Romeo getting faster and more complex would lead me to think LePond is plenty up to task.

Now if only we could hear him as clearly as we could hear Miller. That's one aspect of the older SX albums I love. Every member has a voice.
I love Miller's bass lines, but I like Lepond MUCH more. He improvises very well live - you really have to watch him during a show to see all the little doodles he throws in the more open sections. I think he's awesome and the most underrated member in the band.
I don't believe the band's had contact with him since he left. You should read the FAQ on the official site for their exact explanation, though, which I really don't want to misquote.
I prefer Michael Lepond, just because he has been there since i've known them! But when it comes down to the nitty gritty, Thomas Miller and Michael Lepond are two of the best basist ive ever heard. Thomas Miller wrote some of the greatist songs, and Michael Lepond played some of the greatist songs. The bass is often not heard!!! However a good example of Leponds skill and quality is the album V as a whole...
Well, then he wasn't very satisfactory in The Odyssey as much, well the whole band kinda turned for the worst in that album IMO.

ummm,thats a little in the red zone... Saying that Recording wise V:The New Myhology suite is better than the Odyssey is alright, but The Odyssey is in no way bad.

V: The New Mythology Suite = Musicians album/Lepond best work
The Odyssey = a solid guitar album, and doesn't focus on alot of the other members!

Anyhoot I felt that that last comment was a little un-needed.
-Once again, Thomas Miller and Michael Lepond both rock, but Lepond is noticably better than Miller!
proulxski said:
-Once again, Thomas Miller and Michael Lepond both rock, but Lepond is noticably better than Miller!

That seems to me as hard critic as Metropolis is giving there. I mean if you have ears and are any experienced about composing or playing the bass, you should soon notice that Lepond is not noticably better than Miller, I think Miller beats Lepond in song/lyric writing, but at technical skill they could be pretty equal.
'Progbass' - fair enough, I should really say this, I personally prefer Michael Lepond too Thomas Miller. Don't get me wrong though they both are extraodrinary. I've heard some songs better by Miller and some better by Lepond, just mroe by lepond... The reason being he has done more of the CD's. But on that note, Lepond is noticably better on V: The New Mythology Suite... That being said, that doesn't mean that Miller is worse, just from what i've heard!