Thomas Miller!!!!


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008
This is so friggin' bad ass I am exstatic!!
:yell: :dopey: :D

This may be old news to some, but not for me:

Just found out Thomas Miller has come back from the shadows after 12 years and started playing music again. Never mind the production etc, but listen to the bass!!

I just love that man! I feel like I am 20 again and the biggest fan-boy that just wants to practise. Wow -such an inspiration that guy has been for me. I am just sad I never got to see him play live with SyX.

Well -the man's back and he shreds!!

I am so inspired by that guy...
I am sure you'll hear where I have stolen som licks over the years :Spin:

It might just be me, but I am high right now due to this!
One dream I have would be to see him live.... Wow....

Ok, rambling.... -better go!
wonderful Tom is on the road again!

i first thought Tom would be a new member of SW, ahahah shame on me! :)
Very good news! He had an incredible and unique sound.
Sometimes, you just listen the bass line and leave behind Romeo's guitar, to understand perfectly the intention of the riff...His tecnique was so clean!