Recent content by OhTheHumanity

  1. OhTheHumanity


    Midnight, the vocalist of the band Crimson Glory, died on July 8th
  2. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    That is so cool! I'd pay a lot for that! Once I get a job, I'm expanding my album collection by far!
  3. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    Nice vid. I'm also jealous of your Rhapsody collection!
  4. OhTheHumanity


    Warmen - Accept The Fact
  5. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    I know what you mean. My keyboard sucks too
  6. OhTheHumanity

    Gigs - who's going to what?

    Gah I'm stuck here in Pennsylvania nothing good comes around. I just found out right now that Tyr was in Allentown yesterday, so I'm mad about that. Other than that: 4/19: Children of Bodom - I still need a ticket 4/27: Amon Amarth (W/ Skeletonwitch!)
  7. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    Well just keep on hoping and keep practicing, that's what I'm doing.
  8. OhTheHumanity

    U.S.A tour

    They're touring with Skeletonwitch! And I got tickets for it in Allentown!! WOO
  9. OhTheHumanity

    The viking metal stance/pose..thing

    Haha I'm definitely doing that now
  10. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    Ahh yeah I saw that video before that person is amazing. I don't know how he does it
  11. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    Well i figured that. He's been playing since he was like 5. I started like a month ago but i'm just basically looking up tabs though
  12. OhTheHumanity

    Keyboard players!

    Just wanted to know if there was anyone here that plays keyboard, and takes there influence in trying to learn it from Janne Wirman. I am in the process of learning.
  13. OhTheHumanity

    How did you get into Dragonlord?

    Kind of odd, but I was looking at a list of bands with the name Dragon in them (i don't remember why). My friend pointed out Dragonlord, and I liked ever since I heard The Curse of Woe
  14. OhTheHumanity

    How you discovered Seventh Wonder?

    I heard The Edge of My Blade on Epic Rock Radio and pretty much fell in love
  15. OhTheHumanity

    Best Into Eternity Song

    Other: Point Of Uncertainty Or Embraced By Desolation. There are so many good IE songs, you can't really pick one