Recent content by Old Man Metal

  1. Old Man Metal

    Soulfly Question

    Thanks Cae, A friend of mine said they heard Soulfly do it. They also said they checked wikipedia and it did say something about Soulfly doing a cover of it. I couldn't find anything on the Cd's I own, that's why I threw a question up.
  2. Old Man Metal

    Top Thrash Metal Albums of all time....

    Hands down the list Sarkain posted. Fan-friggin-tasic
  3. Old Man Metal

    Soulfly Question

    Hey kids, anyone know what album the cover "Smoke on the Water" is on? Thanks OMM
  4. Old Man Metal

    Favourite Ozzy album?

    I can tell how old some of you are by your album choices! I've got great memories of listening to Ultimate Sin, but my favorite has to be Blizzard of Oz
  5. Old Man Metal

    Where did your nickname comes from?

    Well I'm Old, a Man and metalhead for life!
  6. Old Man Metal

    Where's the good new stuff ???

    I don't know if this qualifies as "Old School" cause it's newer bands I'm about to list. I've been checking out band thanks to myspace, I've found a few. Cripper - I sent away to Germany to get their CD. 1st impressions, "Holy $hit, they stepped out of...
  7. Old Man Metal

    Kiss Blame Fans For Industry Downturn

    If you ask me the Music Industry hung themselves by greed. Back when Old Man Metal was buying cassette tapes, they where about 5.99 and to make a tape it has to be recorded onto the tape. Something I think would be more expensive then burning a cd. And I would think you could do it in less time...
  8. Old Man Metal

    Where's the good new stuff ???

    You kids need to check out Cripper. New stuff old school thrash style. Their song "Shortcut" is one I can't seem to get out of my head. later kids
  9. Old Man Metal

    Iron Maiden 1985

    Yeah Kids! The MSG network is playing an Iron Maiden show from 1985! I'm guessing it's from Madison Square Garden. Ya think!? Actually Bruce yelled Long Beach Arena If you get MSG, check it out. It's called MSG Concert Series. It's on again tonight at, no not 2 minutes 2 midnight, at...
  10. Old Man Metal

    Why are you a metalhead?

    Two words, THE MUSIC! But seriously bacause what other form of music has so much raw power and feeling? None. You hear it in the Lyrics, the Vocals, the Drums, and the Guitars. For me music has to give me a reason to listen. Later Kids
  11. Old Man Metal

    Cylons VS Daleks

    Space AAB was a great show, I've still got VHS copies of it around here somewhere. I think you can get it on DVD, not sure.
  12. Old Man Metal

    songs that send a shiver down your spine

    I-TEND-TO-DIE, I like your style bro. :rock:
  13. Old Man Metal

    songs that send a shiver down your spine

    Nevermore - Sentient #6 (Just the thought behind this song) Exodus - Children of a Worthless God (Need I say more) Exodus - Culling the Herd Lamb of God - Jees, pick one. And, The American National Anthem! This song does it to me everytime. Later Kids
  14. Old Man Metal

    Heaven and Hell, Motorhead, Judas Priest tour rumor

    Hey, I just did show with this in the news. Like it or not, here it is. Later Kids
  15. Old Man Metal

    I wonder what Jon thinks of this...

    You must be brother. Bret Micheals might be a yawn, but dude a good 90% of the chicks on that show were smoking. Watch it next VH1 marathon, probably next weekend. In the imortal words of William Shatner,"It's just a t.v. show!"