Recent content by Pearl101

  1. P

    Over-rated Bands

    Stop trying to be fucking philosophical and fuck off.
  2. P

    Over-rated Bands

    - Slipknot - Cannibal Corpse - Ephel Duath - Burzum - Children of Bodom
  3. P

    Vote Best Metal Country

    The poll will result in people voting for their country of birth. Despite this, I believe Sudan has the best Metal scene in the world.
  4. P

    Symphony X in Australia/Perth!!! (Petition thingo)

    BTW, does the 88 mean HH? If so :rock: Hail the fourteen words and the glorious leader!
  5. P

    Symphony X in Australia/Perth!!! (Petition thingo)

    Fuck petitions, they never did anything.
  6. P

    Vital Remains - Icons of Evil

    Pretty lame in comparison to Dechristianise. I keep listening for it to 'click', and it still hasn't:heh: .
  7. P

    Which One Of These Albums Should I Get Next?

    Jesus, it's great to be on a forum like this, there's plenty of different suggestions. Burzum is a little out of proportion though...
  8. P

    Which One Of These Albums Should I Get Next?

    Well... Getting Ensiferum would open a whole new doorway of Folk Metal... However, Colony is my 'doorway to metal' album, so I feel loyal to it, and must vote for that.
  9. P


    Nationalism isn't supremacism. Nationalism is purely stopping immigration and creating a White homeland, creating a better future for X coloured children etc. That about Poland is not the case at all, I'm sure most Nationalists in Poland would welcome and Anglos, Slavs or Meds into their...
  10. P


    Actually the NSPM (National Socialist Power Metal) movement is huge, bigger than the NSBM movements even.
  11. P


    I think the poll's answer were pretty much what I suspected, it's good everyone believes in free speech. For those who answered 'Proud of where I come from', go to **********.org, and take it from there:kickass:
  12. P


    Alright then, what is your opinions on orgs like Metalheads Against Racism, who try and shut such bands down?
  13. P


    Hello all, just wondering what your opinions on National Socialist Black Metal may be.
  14. P

    Favorite Agalloch Album!

    The Mantle was sooo bland imo. I will have to look into one of their other albums.
  15. P

    I'm getting tired of these idiots.

    I was quoting you... You were the one who said 'ignorant white prick'.