Opinions on NSBM?

  • Should be banned in all countries

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • I believe in free speech, so no one should stop them

    Votes: 29 55.8%
  • I agree somewhat with the politics in the lyrics

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • I believe completely what the bands say in their lyrics

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • I am just proud of where I came from

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • I am deeply offended, however, no one should stop them

    Votes: 2 3.8%

  • Total voters
I like it, I'm not quite a Nazi but I enjoy it. but mostly the big bands like Gontyna Kry and Graveland.
The fact that the band is made up of nazi's makes no difference to me so long as they play good black metal. Hey I'm a Christian and I listen to music played by church burners.
I've always believed heavily that lyrics do not make or break any song or album. They may not help, but it certainly doesn't make something suck that would otherwise musically be considered excellent.
Alright then, what is your opinions on orgs like Metalheads Against Racism, who try and shut such bands down?
I don't listen to BM and I certainly don't support those beliefs, but I do believe in freedom of expression unless it is intended to incite illegal activties.

You should be allowed to say whatever you want (unless you're telling someone to commit a crime), regardless of how fucked up your beliefs are.
i wish i could mark more than one answer. freedom of speech is a must. but my heritage is also important (and what i voted for). also, the politics, while warped to support extrimists, are agreeable to me. things like anti affirmative action.
I think they're really misguided, ignorant, sheltered, blah blah blah, but I don't think they should be stopped. Heavens... what good would that do anyway?

Metal bands also sing about misogyny and rape and murder, all things that are taboo and shunned in society but no one's telling them to stop doing that. :smug:

Music is an art form.... you really can't censor art.
Sure you can.

I don't believe in censorship in art, unless it directly leads to the harm/infringement of rights of other people. And I can't even think of how that would be possible. But whatever.
Yeah, but that's not a direct correlation. I mean, there's plenty of music that advises you to do things, but I don't consider it the artist's fault if somebody listens to it.
Hello all, just wondering what your opinions on National Socialist Black Metal may be.

I used to have a problem with it... but I don't really care anymore. If it is worth hearing I'll listen to it. I don't have to agree with any absurd ideologies they may be spouting.
It's like people that said the Columbine kids shot the school up because they listened to Marilyn Manson, and then Manson pwned them.

that being said, I enjoy NSBM
Yeah, but that's not a direct correlation. I mean, there's plenty of music that advises you to do things, but I don't consider it the artist's fault if somebody listens to it.

I see what you mean, but even if that's not what the artist intends, it still happens every once in a while. Granted, though, someone needs to be pretty fucked up already to obey a song.