Does black metal have to be Satanic?

Uh..... since when did Gorgoroth become significant enough a band for Gaahl to be one of the "founding fathers of BM"? :lol:

I wouldn't go so far as to say Ghaal is one of founding fathers of black metal or anything but Gorgoroth is definitely one of the biggest black metal bands and probably one of the most important in terms of influencing the genre.
Or at the very least one of the best at garnering attention due to Gaahl being so goddamn creepy.


Judy Gaahland approves of that statement
Tbh I'm really disappointed that JGMetalhead hasn't contributed to this thread with another nonsense attempt at expressing a philosophical point..
Personally, I don't think a band has to ' be satanic' to be BM,but BM is a bleek / dark / despairing style of music so at the same time I think Christian Black Metal, is pointless, I don't see how the sonic properties of BM can cohere with the christian (and therefore most likely "positive" ) message.

Christianity thinks of itself as truth, therefore the range of topics it has to deal with cover the range of the human experience. Then add to that topics dealing with the whole spiritual realm. Plenty of topics for the black metal aesthetic.