Who Started Black Metal?

To wax philosophical for a moment... there is no such thing as true black metal if you're taking the ideology into consideration, because nobody has actually summoned a demon.

The first band to successfully use their music alone to either kill people, or summon a demon, will be the first black metal band. The rest are just posers.
To wax philosophical for a moment... there is no such thing as true black metal if you're taking the ideology into consideration, because nobody has actually summoned a demon.

The first band to successfully use their music alone to either kill people, or summon a demon, will be the first black metal band. The rest are just posers.

Yeah bruv, I'm so over this Muggle Black Metal.
A trv black metal band wouldn't sing in any other language except Infernal, Abyssal, or Chthonic. Fuckin posers, dude.
Motley Crve!

Mayhem. Bathory's contribution to black metal on the first two albums was one of image and production values. Deathcrush is at least as much a black metal album as Under the Sign of the Black Mark, and it wouldn't be long until they started writing the earliest second-wave-proper black metal.

EDIT: I'm loving this clshniffer guy, btw.
He waits two months between posts to comment on black metal. Could you physically try any harder?

I guess you missed me? I've been listening to Black Metal nonstop this winter and read many articles on the subject. Every writer has their own opinion on who started Black Metal. I wanted to see what the trve fans thought. People who are fans, not pessimistic slobs.