Recent content by prabblerabble

  1. prabblerabble

    Please critique my mix

    the drums are pretty overpowering around 1:30. i really like the crunchiness to the guitar tone! how did you get that tone? also maybe cut out some mids from the rhythm or lower it in volume when the leads come in because the leads feel somewhat buried. those toms sounds awesome too. overall i...
  2. prabblerabble

    New Electronic-Rock Project

    Hi everyone, I've been taking a break from writing metal to pursue my electronic-rock project, "Two Faced". Having used this forum for the past few years, I've learned a lot about mixing, recording and composition in general, so I really couldn't have written my stuff without the ultimatemetal...
  3. prabblerabble

    SSD vs Toontrack Mix

    Super late response, but thank you to everyone for all the feedback! I've been using Toontrack samples on my more recent mixes (after this post) and i've been more satisfied with my results. Although they're not as punchy, I just like that they sound much more natural and real. But really...
  4. prabblerabble

    SSD vs Toontrack Mix

    huh that's interesting! what about the toontrack version stands out the most? and i just checked; i varied the velocities for all the drums but just realized the kicks are all 127 which is totally my bad haha. thanks for pointing that out! i did notice that changing the velocity on the snares...
  5. prabblerabble

    SSD vs Toontrack Mix

    thanks for the feedback! i definitely think SSD has better room mics and overheads too
  6. prabblerabble

    SSD vs Toontrack Mix

    thanks for the feedback! yeah the toontrack samples in my opinion are a lot more raw and especially the snares lack some of the punch that slate samples have. i did just notice the cymbals, so thanks for that. would you be able to elaborate on adding more room to the drums?
  7. prabblerabble

    SSD vs Toontrack Mix wrote and mixed a short Paramore-esque song clip to compare EzDrummer and Steven Slate Drums, both which i've used for a long while now. I'm curious to hear which you guys think sounds better on this mix. Everything other than the...
  8. prabblerabble

    Animals - Humanity's Last Breath (fresh ears needed) Been mixing this bad boy and I think I've got it to a point where I'm pretty happy, but my ears are also exhausted. I'd love to know what you know about this mix so far, and if anyone is interested in the FX chains used, i'll post them...
  9. prabblerabble

    Does everything sit well? Currently mixing this bad boy. Can't tell if everything is sitting well; my ears are exhausted. Do the guitars sit well with the drums and bass? I usually have a problem of making my bass guitars too boomy but I felt like i fixed that in...
  10. prabblerabble

    What should I change?

    Thanks for sharing! They really cut through the mix; I use Reaper as well and might try that. I like that it pops out. And it's interesting that you didn't use any compression other than the room mic, 'cause i feel like i've been relying on too much on compression with making my snare sticks out.
  11. prabblerabble

    What should I change?

    Speaking of the drums, would you mind sharing some details on what you did with the snare? I really liked how the snare was processed!
  12. prabblerabble

    What should I change?

    I really like the bite on the guitars, but think there could be slightly more low end added to the guitars. I don't know if this is in your control or not, but I'd maybe cut off the tail ends of some of the notes for the guitar to make the playing sound tighter. I wouldn't change anything about...
  13. prabblerabble

    Something bothers me about my mixes

    I actually kinda dig the guitar tone. I'd say the mix is lacking in energy, especially with the kick drum and cymbals. You could maybe do a little more compression on the room mics for the drums to lift them up a bit. The tom fills sound good though.
  14. prabblerabble

    Tech Metal Mix Feedback A song I'm currently writing/mixing. The guitar chops are kinda choppy at times, I'm gonna quantize them tighter soon. I'd love to get some feedback on the mix, I recently made the switch away from Slate drums to SD 2.0 with Metal...
  15. prabblerabble

    Experimental/Indie Mix - Really need feedback

    Hey all, I'm currently working on a mix for a contest, and I'm happy with the results but know there's room for lot of improvement. If you're not a fan of the music, try to bear with the song; I'm looking for feedback on the mix...