Recent content by Pringles

  1. Pringles

    What about adding a 1073 pre to a live guitar rig?

    @arv_foh I'm a pretty happy POD user so I'm not looking to buy something else in replacement and like I said, I'm about to buy a pre for vocals and acoustic guitars recording so I'll buy either the 1073 or the GTQ2. You may be right that the 1073 color won't be really heard but maybe this...
  2. Pringles

    What about adding a 1073 pre to a live guitar rig?

    Hi, I'm about to invest in a POD HD Pro for a live rig. I'm also about to invest in a pre for vocal & acoustic guitars recording like 2x 1073LB+EQ or Aurora GTQ2 (stereo). So I was thinking, why not combining the vocal pre and the POD HD Pro for a live rig? I know it's done in studio (Butch...
  3. Pringles

    2 new Nu Metal tracks - The Catalyst (Linkin Park) & Way Out

    Hey, thanks for listening! Not sure which effect you're talking about. Yep, the highs may be a little bit too loud, it would needs a subtle adjustement.
  4. Pringles

    2 new Nu Metal tracks - The Catalyst (Linkin Park) & Way Out

    Hey fellow musicians, here are 2 of my latest Nu Metal tracks. The first one is called The Catalyst and it's my entry for a Linkin Park contest that took place last week. The track is divided into 2 parts with 2 distinct moods. The contest rules weren't very clear so I didn't know if we were...