Recent content by Pyrate

  1. P

    Eggheadbangers unite

    For the moment I've got enough reading in school. But I've read most of Jules Vernes books. Really interesting books. I also read some fantasy (who doesn't) but I do not, as many may find strange, like Tolkien. I rather read Terry Brooks or Andreas Roman (Bet most of you don't know who he is)...
  2. P

    Your favorite metal genre...

    Red with black edges/RDRNR-metal ;)
  3. P

    Borknagar Keyboard Notes

    Yeah... You forget quickly in your younger days. I have forgotten all I learned from my flute-lessons. But, however: Christmas is saved!!! Any teasers for the new album? I don't need it actually. I know that it will be a masterpiece :D And another thing: Why don't Solefald have their own...
  4. P

    Borknagar Keyboard Notes

    Ummm... Didn't he start playing to piano at 8 years of age? And wasn't it with a teacher? I think he's just being lazy or too buse with the new Solefald album. Hope it reaches to stores soon. Solefald :rock:
  5. P

    Now Playing? NP

    Running Wild - Black Hand Inn
  6. P


    :rolleyes: Are you so sure? Might've happened recently. But not when they used aluminium foil as protection against cosmic radiation and temperatures ranging from +177 (C) to -177 degrees? I've got my doubts... We'll see in 2008 (or whenever it was) when they will send up a telescope to take...
  7. P

    Your favourite Borknagar-moment?

    Simen's screming of the words "Ad Noctum" is one of my favourites. And most of Tyr's, Lazare's and Asgeir's contributions on the latest cd :rock:
  8. P

    Best Solefald Album

    "Neonism" is my fav. for the moment. But when I started listening to Solefald it was "Pills..." I first came across. So It has got a certain spot in my heart too. And nothing is wrong with "Pills...". It's a killer too! How about the project "Grail"? Any news?
  9. P

    Best Borknagar Album?

    The Archaic Course and Empiricism.
  10. P


    Go get it here :D