Recent content by Rendclaw

  1. Rendclaw


    Next time I come out the the San Joaquin, I am going to make the trip down to the area. Be warned! ;)
  2. Rendclaw

    Anyone going to see the Rush documentary?

    I did and I loved it. I wish that Maiden had gone this route and not just doing Flight 666.
  3. Rendclaw

    Iron Maiden tour announcement next week!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!

    July 17th here in Detroit... I hope that I am working by then so I can go!
  4. Rendclaw

    What Iron Maiden song Are You(Face Book)

    I never left really, just been quiet..
  5. Rendclaw

    What Iron Maiden song Are You(Face Book)

    Aces High for me, as well!
  6. Rendclaw

    My "Flight:666" SXSW Review...

    I want to go, but I doubt I am going to have the funds to do it... ah well, its the DVD for me.
  7. Rendclaw

    Finally bought that Guitar Port...

    I spoiled myself a little bit and bought the Guitar Port... got it running and have gotten some really good guitar tones... Also got Audacity to work with it and have the ability to record... now all I need to do is get the cam to work with it, and poof, instant vids on youtube. I know you...
  8. Rendclaw

    Interview with Nicko

    God, I love Nicko... the man is funny as hell... If they go out in 2009, that means that they're doing the remaining albums! Or at least to me they are. I'm not missing them this time!
  9. Rendclaw

    Watch Star Trek Season 1

    I have all of my favorites saved on my DVR. They actually make the old episodes better.
  10. Rendclaw

    The Maidens On The Road

    Now THAT is awesome. Damn, Aja, you were what, 30 feet up? You are hardcore..
  11. Rendclaw

    I met Duff McKagan!!!!!

    I can think of five right off the top of my head... ::smirks::
  12. Rendclaw


    I could go to Cuyahoga Falls, since the Rosemont show is gonna be sold out.... But I already am going to see Rush on the 10th.... ugh..
  13. Rendclaw

    Iron Maiden announce full details of LAD dvd !

    That's our Bruce! At least that's how he was back in the day.... I was watching the Classic Albums for NOTB and man, Bruce was a little goofy when he was in Saxon from the look of those videos.... I plan on gettng the DVD this week, once I figure out how much money I have left after the...
  14. Rendclaw

    Swedish Rock Festival

    My god, that is the lineup from hell..... I couldn't even imagine doing four straight days of rock and metal.... I think my heart would implode by the third day.
  15. Rendclaw

    RUSH coming back around

    Got my tickets Saturday morning! June 10th, Joe Louis Arena! Woohoo!!