Recent content by shortlived

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    Diezel Zerrer preamp

    Anyone heard it?
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    Need your help with DI guitar samples

    Hi, guys. I am constucting my own very simple DI guitar sample library. It will be used only for the first stage of song creation because I have problems with my left hand and can't play guitar as frequently as I would like. I am now in big pain and have to rest for awhile and to complete it I...
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    Single coil friendly High Gain amp

    What about something from VHT/Fryette? I love their sound signature but don't know if they can rip like that with single coils too. Also, which model has the most amount of gain?
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    Single coil friendly High Gain amp

    Hi, I have a Fender '56 Relic Strat with stock 3 Custom '50s Single-Coils which I love the sound of for non metal stuff but would like to be able to use it for metal as well. I know ideally I should go for a humbucker equiped guitar but still is there a metal amp that can sound powerful and full...
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    -10dbu or 0db output?

    Thanks for the response Trevoire520 but with setting the fader so that the meter goes up to 0db, I meant for the mixer on the sampler and not the DAW one. So will the output from sampler be -10db despite the 0db setting of the mixer? Thanks!
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    playing broken chords with two guitars

    I wonder how it will sound if for example I break down the minor triad chord into 2 dyads so that 1 guitar will play root and the minor third notes and the other guitar minor third and fifth notes. One will be panned hard left and the other hard right.
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    -10dbu or 0db output?

    Hi, my hardware samplers nominal output is -10dbu (says in the manual). Now I wonder what comes out if I set the master fader to around 0db. Is it 0db or -10db then? Thanks
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    What to play on keyboard over guitar chords

    Hello, metallers! I need some advise on the subject for composing black metal. I' ve done guitar tracks and on some parts I need some strings and choirs. What notes to play? Is it mostly doubling the guitar stuff, inversions, poly chords...? Thanks!
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    is re-amp box really a must?

    Big boys at Palmer did it! A new reamper that has the -10dbV input option: BUT I don't see a unbalanced input! That confuses the hell out of me:Smug:
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    is re-amp box really a must?

    Thanks Marcus for the shootout! I think I liked the LLabs and REAMPV2 the most but all sound good. Now to my next question. Is there a reamp box that can accept -10dbV unbalanced as well? The thing is I would like to use the EQ unit first in the chain to alter the clean undistorted guitar sound...
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    is re-amp box really a must?

    Hi, Metaltastic. Isn't sounding flat a good thing? I guess the harsh part can be tamed down with a nice 31 band graphic Eq unit that I have on hand? thank you
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    is re-amp box really a must?

    Thank you sir! I suppose, with a guitar DI direct into distorted high gain amp would sound piercing as fuck. Maybe, for raw black metal that I am doin it would do just fine. Is it possible to post the comparison clips but with with the guitar this time? That would be really appreciated my...
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    is re-amp box really a must?

    narcossintese, I would be happy if you could post a clip. And thank you all for responses.
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    is re-amp box really a must?

    Hi, can't I just lower the output of the recorded DI track from line level to a guitar level and send it to the amp? I know the impedance is a lot lower but doesn't that make it even better? And there's one less box in the chain as well. Thanks