-10dbu or 0db output?


New Metal Member
Apr 29, 2008
Hi, my hardware samplers nominal output is -10dbu (says in the manual). Now I wonder what comes out if I set the master fader to around 0db. Is it 0db or -10db then?
It will put out -10dBV.
The signal in your DAW would still be 0dBfs.
Your interface puts out consumer line level, not professional line level.
Pro level is +4dBu, and consumer is -10dBV

Don't worry, it doesn't effect how loud you can get your mixes or anything like that. It just means the analogue level that is output from your interface is about 12dB quieter than one that puts out pro line level.
Thanks for the response Trevoire520 but with setting the fader so that the meter goes up to 0db, I meant for the mixer on the sampler and not the DAW one. So will the output from sampler be -10db despite the 0db setting of the mixer?

It will put out -10dBV.
The signal in your DAW would still be 0dBfs.
Your interface puts out consumer line level, not professional line level.
Pro level is +4dBu, and consumer is -10dBV

Don't worry, it doesn't effect how loud you can get your mixes or anything like that. It just means the analogue level that is output from your interface is about 12dB quieter than one that puts out pro line level.