new gear day - some problems though!


Jul 27, 2005
hey there,

i just got myself a new interface and the basic reamping tools, namely profire 610 and a radial pro rmp.

the thing is, when i loop back my recorded DI's (peaking around 6 dbfs, maybe too quiet?? i doubt it though) through my amp i get very low signal volume when compared to plugging my guitar straight in.
i pretty much tried everything....the volume on the profire610 is all the way up, so is the pro rmp level control, the hardware send in reaper is set to default = 0db...i already tried boosting the hardware send level way up which does give me higher output level, but i doubt this is the proper way of doing things.

btw, the output level in the profire routing matrix is also cranked all the way...i'm still getting very low level into the amp, which hardly gives enough saturation when cranking the gain to like 8 (5150 btw).

any ideas????
It's probably just the DI's being too quiet. Nothing wrong with cranking the fader in Reaper to match the guitar level signal at all. I always have to play around with the fader levels to get the output gain to what it should be.
yes, i tried all possible pannings, no difference though.

i just managed to make it work, but i had to set the track volume in reaper to +21,6db....that's a f*in lot in my book, way too much than it should be right?

as i mentioned above, i tried to get the DIs peaking around -6dbfs...that's not exactly loud of course, and recording a little hotter might make the problem less apparent, but on the other hand, i tried to stay far away from clipping, and recording any hotter than this will inevitable get me closer to digital zero on the peaks...

forbidden, when you talk about playing with the fader levels, how much do you usually boost the track volume??
Ah not that much man, a couple dB here or there if I need to... 20+ does seem a bit high. I wish I was at home right now but I'm at work away from home for the next week and a bit, maybe send a DI to someone to reamp and see what they have to do with it to narrow down if it's a hardware issue or an issue with the DIs?
XeS had a similar problem with his Profire 2626, until he discovered that in the software control panel, the default setting was for the output knob to control the level of all outputs, not just 1 and 2 - make sure yours isn't the same!
well, i actually turned off the master volume for all output pairs....for the main outs i already have a dedicated monitor controller, and for the other outs like the reamping one i manually cranked the output volume all the way.

guys, i'll go and upload one of the DIs of my other thread so you can check it out for yourself....gotta take the dogs for a walk first, though ^^

thanks a bunch!
alright, thanks for the heads up!

i'm uploading the files right's friggin slow though.

anyways, as i'm a dropbox newb - i have to put the files in my public folder, and copy/paste the public URL to them to post here, right?
btw, is there any way to get a public link for a whole folder, rather than just the individual files??
last bump guys....
i'm just trying to find out if there's something wrong with my reamper <-> software issue, you know...
That DI level seems fine. I'd maybe/possibly just boost it a couple of db with the DAW fader. Something else in your chain is the problem.

AFAIK Dropbox can only link files, not whole folders.
DI.wav is a stereo file of the same thing. Try to record it in mono and not in stereo.
And as Marcus said, I had some problem with my DI's and I discovered that the master pot controlled the level of all the outputs. When I changed it (now it controls only out 1-2) the level of my DI's was perfect.
The use of a stereo file will not cause any problems. The only real downside is that it makes the file size (kB/MB) larger. I have seen some seasoned pro's use stereo DI files with stellar results. Initials of BNB for one. :)