still having problems with reamping (profire 610 related)

Yes I'm on a macbook pro. But the problem is a ground loop caused by the external monitor. If I disconnect the monitor, or the dvi port, the hum disappear.
I have this ground loop because I have 2 power strip (4 socket each) chain connected.. :erk:
I tried to connect the ext monitor to another socket in my room and the hum disappear.
I'm planning to buy a 8x power strip

Hmm I've battled this problem for a while and just gave up on using my external monitor. What's weird is that I hear no noise on my headphone jack of my duet only on the monitor outputs. I'm pretty sure I've tried different sockets too. The only thing that seemed to help was turning off my wireless, but I can still hear the noise, only much much less.
Maybe RedEye does not drops level as much as Radial`s reampers?
My ProRMP drops level by 12 db with pot at maximum.
My interface (ESI Juli@) gives +20dbu, sometimes I can not get the same level if guitar is to hot.
Charvel Model 6 is at the edge, but Caparison is hotter and I can not get the same level with loopback test.
Basically if peaks around -2 db then taking off 12 db drop then guitar output itself should be no more then -14 db, if it hotter then I can not amplify by 12 db to compensate for level drop :(
Of course input and output line levels at 0dbfs is same fo Juli@ - +20 dbu, so this arithmetic works.
here are clips of HolyDiaper with Marcus's DI's and drums and bass by Rob_Logic
holydiaper and only guitars holydiaper guitars only and no processing at all This is was my first reamping with RedEye and 5150II from DSS3.

Whoa, dude, reverb on rhythm guitars? What the hell are you smokin'? :lol: Seems like the cymbals are a lot brighter than Rob Logic's, and the bass feels too thin and grating in the attack, and the aforementioned reverb on the guitars, but from what I can tell it seems like a pretty solid tone! (though sounds a bit cloudy, too far from the dustcap IMO)

EDIT: Wait, WOW, listening to the guitars, this is nothing like what they sound in the final version (really fizzy and "crisp" here, a bit too much perhaps), what all did you do to them?
Marcus, I was not smoking, I was beering. :) Guitars are filtered only with HP/LP at 50Hz and 10.6 kHz. Mic was may be 2" away from grill, but I was not sure if I centered it well. Here is the prebeer version without reverb holy diaper 1 Another issue is speakers I used were just from a combo, not a fancy V30. But I guess even with those it is possible reach working tone. ever figure your problem out with the profire610? I have one and am kinda dissapointed after reading im not able to reamp.....

not sure about other reamp boxes, but if you get the redeye you are safe. I did several tests and everything works so far.
I have succesfully reamped with Profire 610

Profire 610 (output 3) -> Radial Pro RMP -> TS7 -> Triaxis -> Profire 610 Input

- Profire's Master Volume to maximum
- Radials Pro RMP Output Level to maximum
- DI track routed to Output 3
- DI track and master tracks in Cubase were 0 db.


I used impulses instead of mic cause the profire is my home interface and don't have cabs at home. But using a mic would be almost the same:

Profire 610 (output 3) -> Radial Pro RMP -> TS7 -> Triaxis -> Poweramp -> Cab -> Mic-> Profire 610 Input
Weird. With my 2626 and Redeye I have to max the output and engage overdrive with the Redeye and have to boost the output in my DAW by >13db to get normal gain. :err: