Reamping my Profire 610

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So I ordered a JCR because I really want to be able to reamp. I just got a 5150 (my first real amp) and this is my first time ever micing a cab (original sheffield speakers so don't expect incredibleness). Anyone I have read that people have had trouble reamping with the Profire 610 because of its low level output. To get a good signal I had to normalize the waveform, turn my profire 610 master volume all the way up and crank the JCR output to about 9 o clock.

Anyways does this sample sound starved of signal? I just want to make sure a full signal is getting to the 5150. I figure if it sounds good than it sounds good.

Thanks for any input Songs/Rose of Butts reamp.mp3
Well I'm now gonna turn this into a I debunked the fact the you in fact CAN reamp a profire 610 without really any difference. I played through my countryman and recorded one signal DI and the other through my amp. I then took that DI signal and reamped it through the radial and recorded it. The first clip is my playing through the amp, the second clip is through the Radial. I notice a tiny difference, but nothing as big as to say they sound different. Yes I suck at playing Gideon riffs Songs/Reamp Test.mp3
The output you use for the reamp input should be unlinked to the master volume control on the 610.

How so? When I run it out of any of the outputs it is directly altered by the position of the master volume. How is it not supposed to be linked to the master volume on the knob?

You should not have to normalize your DI track either.

The point is that even though I have to use unconventional techniques I can still get it working just as well. I could always put my ISA One between the Profire and Reamp box to boost the signal I suppose.
There should be a setting in the control panel to unlink the volume pot from outputs 3-4. I'm assuming you use output 3 for the reamp. That way your monitor level doesn't change and you just put out line level to your reamp.

The 2626 has this option, I'm sure the 610 has the same.

not trying to argue here, just pointing out what I thought was a mistake in your setup.