Recent content by SomeGuyDude

  1. SomeGuyDude

    Megadeth Lose Shawn and Chris...

    TIL people still care about Megadeth.
  2. SomeGuyDude

    Longest growl/scream ever?

    I need to copy and paste the latter half of this every time someone cries about triggered drums. :kickass:
  3. SomeGuyDude

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I wanted to like this. I really did. But the production is just toothless and Cory sounds like he doesn't have it in him any more. I have a feeling, though, that the material on here will be BADASS live.
  4. SomeGuyDude

    The End Of The Music Industry

    The corporate backend of the music industry will die, but that's all.
  5. SomeGuyDude

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Yeah stoner doom is a damn hard balancing act. You cross into "dull" and it's game over. As for me... Kayo Dot - Coffins on Io Just released today. Fuck I love this band.
  6. SomeGuyDude

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    He Is Legend - Heavy Fruit Trophy Scars - Holy Vacants
  7. SomeGuyDude

    Where my Audiophiles at? Headphones, speakers, whatever.

    Yeah, I throw the Pistons at pretty much anyone who's looking for new earbuds but isn't a lunatic like me who'll drop 4 figures on a set. Also apparently they smell like chocolate?
  8. SomeGuyDude

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    What the Blood Revealed - Harbour of Devils
  9. SomeGuyDude

    what's whith all these genres?

    Powerviolence is HEAVILY punk rock in nature and goregrind is super down-tuned and death metal influenced. Both are similar to grind but quite different.
  10. SomeGuyDude

    what's whith all these genres?

    That's why I always defend subgenre classification. It's not about forcing bands into boxes, it's having a way to describe them. The words carry with them an understood type of sound, so you can hash together a description from it. It's good when you're recommending bands to people and when...
  11. SomeGuyDude

    Where my Audiophiles at? Headphones, speakers, whatever.

    Good product. If that's your price area, I suggest the Xiaomi Pistons. They're like $20 on Amazon and are really well regarded.
  12. SomeGuyDude

    Audio/Movie Samples in Music

    That article should be nothing but about 400 Mortician songs.