Recent content by SwedishNorse

  1. SwedishNorse

    To Amon crew

    humilating themselves? No i think they'd be laughing more then i.. Becuse they'd know what im talking bout, Cuz when they were little they most likley danced to "Smågrodorna" ( Most swedes did ).. Not a request at all, Just taught it be funny.. Just becuse its a forum doesn't mean you...
  2. SwedishNorse

    To Amon crew

    Aha! but you would laugh if they did it!
  3. SwedishNorse

    To Amon crew

    Doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humor ;)
  4. SwedishNorse

    To Amon crew

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Johan på nyckelharpan hahahahaha!!! :kickass::kickass:
  5. SwedishNorse

    To Amon crew

    Oy Grappar! Ni ska ju för fan göra covers på Smågrodorna haha! Eller kanske något lite mer seriöst som Domschottish eller Flusspolska, Fyfan vad über tufft hahah skulle skratta arslet av mig! ////Translation Oy boys! you should make a damn cover on Smågrodorna ( Swedish folksong mostly...
  6. SwedishNorse

    Other good anti-Christian metal?

    Its not really anti-christ music, More to honor the ancient norse gods and the mythologies, aswell as the Norsemen.. You want real anti-Christ music? Listen to the swedish band: The project Hate, theres anti-christ for you....
  7. SwedishNorse


    Its quite intressting to hear Johan sing, he clearly has gotten alot better "growling" then befor, Personally i think the best growler is the singer in "The project Hate", But what i like about Johan is that he growls good but you can hear everything he sings to, Alot of growlers growls that way...
  8. SwedishNorse

    Amon Amarth + food

    Hello? they are swedes, I'll tell you, Swedish meatballs okey? just awesome ;)
  9. SwedishNorse


    i would say.. Both
  10. SwedishNorse


    Anti left-wing...hate that retarded political side..
  11. SwedishNorse


    Oops sorry about that, "Many scandinavians belives that (you people) don't have anything to do in this" almost sounds as if we think you are inferior lol didn't mean it that way, Its just many here thinks its persenol or something like that :) so sorry, came out the wrong way :D
  12. SwedishNorse


    I would like to tell ya people about the Scandinavian Rivalry, Wich is some 800years old.. We here in scandinavia love to compete against eachother, We allways try to outshine eachother by any means nessesary, Many scandinavians belives that (you people) don't have anything to do in this...
  13. SwedishNorse


    They claim to be the "natives" of sweden when infact the North-Germanic people where here far befor them, And today, They demand more and more from the goverment, They have more rights then anyone else and they still only want more, For example, They herd raindeers, And if you have a dog and is...
  14. SwedishNorse


    Swedes = Sveans/Götar ( Also known as Gautar wich is the same people that Beowulf was part of ) / Gotlanders and Norrfolk. Sveans was first recorded in Tacticus Germania where they are potraited as a mighty tribe from Scandza isle (Scandinavia) also called "sea people", Götar is also as said...
  15. SwedishNorse

    Folk metal?

    Lol! kiss my swedish ass it is! Damn celtic crap stuff, Their mighty god Kilty...