

Tappra män från svealand
May 1, 2008
Its quite intressting to hear Johan sing, he clearly has gotten alot better "growling" then befor, Personally i think the best growler is the singer in "The project Hate", But what i like about Johan is that he growls good but you can hear everything he sings to, Alot of growlers growls that way so you can't hear a singlething of what they sing.

Who is the best growler you can think of?
Other than Johan for for being able to hear what he is growling, Draconian and Novembers Doom are very understandable.
A bunch of good ones metioned already, but there's also Chuck Shuldiner who has offered a range of growls throughout his carrer in Death my favorites being from the earlier albums. John Tardy is also pretty good. Also Dan Swano kicks some ass. I could name a couple more, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be Mikael Akerfeldt.
Its quite intressting to hear Johan sing, he clearly has gotten alot better "growling" then befor, Personally i think the best growler is the singer in "The project Hate", But what i like about Johan is that he growls good but you can hear everything he sings to, Alot of growlers growls that way so you can't hear a singlething of what they sing.

Who is the best growler you can think of?
Johan, tbh. Those vocals on Asator were just earth-shattering.

Peter Tagtgren, Mikael Stanne and Peter from Vader are really good
Yes, although Mikael does the melodic death metal style higher rasp, rather than a true growl. The guy from Vader also uses a different technique than most death vocalists, making it more comprehensible but less deep. Sounds like an evil Lemmy, which is awesome.

Mikael Akerfeldt has one of the most badass growls. Very, very deep, yet still pretty clear. His cleans and screams are also great, and he's a great guitarist. Generally just a fucking beast.

The vocalist from Kataklysm is also quite good.

Corpsegrinder (Cannibal Corpse and Paths Of Possession) is a mixed bag - I love his deeps, which are clear and brutal, but don't like his screams, which are annoying imo.

Anders Friden's (In Flames) vocals on The Jester Race are godlike.

David Vincent (Morbid Angel) did some great vocals on the first couple. About as much hoarse shout as growl, but very fitting and of course not hard to understand.

Chuck Billy (Testament) uses mainly growls on The Gathering, and it's amazing. He's a fantastic vocalist all around.

Btw, Schuldiner is a god of guitar, but as a vocalist not so hot. He didn't use true growls, really, either.
I like alot of growlers, but Johan is a combination of everything really. He can pull low and high pitched growls, is understandable, and finally sings with such a passion and venom that it's unbelieveable.
well i've heard a lot of growlers, and so far the one who really inspired me to start singing is Johan Hegg, hands down to that man, hes just fuckin amazing

on the other note, im surprised u guys didnt mention glen from deicide, hes one of the rare vocals who sounds the same live and recordings, i really respect him, and his growls are so fuckin deep and nice
Nice quote you got there :)

:lol: Isajoke.

on the other note, im surprised u guys didnt mention glen from deicide, hes one of the rare vocals who sounds the same live and recordings, i really respect him, and his growls are so fuckin deep and nice

Glen is odd. I love his early stuff, where it's raspy and you can just about understand him. And when he goes high-pitched for the dual layered stuff he sounds like a fucking demon. But his recent stuff just makes him sound like any other growler.
I like the guy from dividing light. And Dez from Devildriver. and Nathan Explosion.

I dunno, for the rest is prefer clean deep vocal over grunts most of the time. I'll check out Draconian and November's Doom, since they're supposed to be well understanable too.
on the other note, im surprised u guys didnt mention glen from deicide, hes one of the rare vocals who sounds the same live and recordings, i really respect him, and his growls are so fuckin deep and nice
Glen Benton is:
A) The most ridiculous person ever.
B) An asshole
C) Stupid beyond measure
D) A great vocalist

To be honest I like his stuff with Vital Remains more than with Deicide, probably because VR > Deicide. He has a good low growl, but nothing really special.

Dez doesn't growl.
And Nathan Explosion is like growling-lite :lol:
I hate deathcore growls.