Recent content by TheGrim69er

  1. T

    KISS Army of Jackasses

    :lol: thats just so stupid, 100 bucks for a tiny toy car, lol :lol:
  2. T

    What band do you think only gets BETTER

    Saxon, Wolf, Amon Amarth, and Skyclad are bands in my oppinion which move forward with nearly every release, can't think of any more at the moment though.
  3. T

    Damn, Damn , DAMN !!!

    Thats sad, I hope your singer gets better clammy
  4. T


    I just though I'd recommend this band to you guys there pretty good oldskool metal band, imagine megadeth meets maiden, and there you have it. You can d/l their whole first album at If you like them like me or wanna make a quick buck, join the street team, its pretty cool...
  5. T

    Judas Piracy

    Damn that sounds alwsome I can't bloody wait
  6. T

    Fire in the Woods V

    Yargh!!!!!!!! fire metal and booze sounds bloody alwsome.
  7. T

    the song title word game

    Bathory - Through Blood By Thunder
  8. T

    Holy crap, everybody go see Dio live

    Fuckin alwsome setlist there, I just hope they tour australia, *crosses fingers*
  9. T

    Now Playing........

    Slayer - Angel of Death
  10. T


    Thanks for the link wyvern, I'll be sure to check them out very soon
  11. T

    Ya wanna Hear Halford with Sabbath?

    If anyone wants to upload mp3s to share feel free to use my gmail account, username: UMoldskool pass: metalisking.
  12. T

    Happy birthday baldyboy!

    Yargh Happy B'day dude, have a beer :kickass:
  13. T

    my question to all

    Well I don't know about getting those bits out of the video, but I do have the whole video, if you want I can let you d/l it off me off slsk, or you can search for it on slsk.
  14. T

    Are the masses content or just naive?

    Well I used to be into all that mainstream crap until I heard Manowar and Iron Maiden, and basically I was blown away, this was about a year ago. I think the main reason that so many people are into mainstream bullcrap is because they are too stupid to realise what is good music because of...