Recent content by theRev

  1. T

    ReValver Mk III.V (3.5) update available

    I can't fucking believe that... I was under the impression that the update would be totally free... 2 Years without any improvement/patch/whatever, and now they want 80 credits for... that thing... Ok, I'm sorry, I'm.. was... a huge fan of revalver, and Michael, the guy behind the program...
  2. T

    Itunes 'Create WAV Version'?

    How useless could possibly be a 128 mp3 to wav conversion? :D
  3. T

    Recabinet 3 - Out Now

    I confirm the performance issue: on my machine I just can't use it. As soon as I activate the plugin, my pc dies... That's strange for sure, I can run several instances of Nebula without a glitch.. My specs: Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit Reaper 32 bit Intel Quad duo 2,5 Ghz 8 Gb Ram
  4. T

    How many of you guys do this to save CPU?

    Fact is, if you know what you are doing, that should not be a problem. If me/the band are sure drums are ok, I print the additional samples on new tracks so I can remove all plugins stuff... If synths are good, just render stems of the tracks (in Reaper is a one click operation).. So you...
  5. T

    Mixing some old Ola Englund stuff

    No... It doesn't work, and I haven't stolen anything... Infact, I posted clearly in the OP that 1- I can remove it on the spot with knowledge of copyright stuff 2- it's totally untouched and I put it just there for having a minimal "vocal track" to get the idea how the mix works... Jesus...
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    Mixing some old Ola Englund stuff

    Hi! I'm mixing this old song Ola posted some time ago... I'm not really satisfied by now, can you guys share some critics? Facts: - by now I'm just working on "overall punchiness", so stuff like solo guitars etc are basically...
  7. T

    Song for mix practice. Throwback rock, real drums.

    Me too... Re-up preatty please, with sugar ontop... (cit.)
  8. T

    Behringer noise gate

    A noise gate gear that IS NOISY for me falls immediately in the EPIC FAIL realms.
  9. T

    Steven Slate Drums 4.0

    What feature would you expect from a sample set? For me, since it's not metal oriented only, and it features RAW samples, it's a winner. But as anyone is sayin, I want to listen at cymbals cause I'm one of those who don't like Slate cymbals in past products...
  10. T

    Italian cuisine

    Mmh... I'm Italian... Love Sushi, but you can't really compare it with stuff like "lasagne" or "bucatini all'amatriciana"..
  11. T

    The Nebula FAQ (sticky me plz)

    Just a question for Ermz, regarding "workflow"... Do you "commit" all your tracks, after inserting the nebula programs on various channel/busses, to be able to remove nebula and free cpu power, or you just insert all various nebula instances and start mixing? I'm particularly interesented...
  12. T

    Reaper 4 dudes..

    Great Stuff... I hope you'll release it as soon as it's usable! Anyway, come on guys, it really seems like everybody is taking Reaper 4 development in a very superficial way... GUI is bad, GUI is good, GUI could be improved, THEY (Cockos) ARE UPDATING GUI WHEN THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT...
  13. T

    Lepou's december

    1st : LeSedna 2nd: Everybody 3rd: Roflsaurusrex 4th: StoneLord 5th: idiotbox919 6th: Fama 7th: Auster 8th: theRev Ok... Should I donate right now or wait for a specific date? I'm kinda confused
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    Lepou's december

    My donation will arrive in a matter of hours ... Congratulations to LePou, since he released Lecto, everytime I'm playing guitar I find myself trying to use Revalver, TH1... just to remove all those plugins shouting "Jeeez I'm trying, I really do! But Lecto sounds so much better!" Cream...