Recent content by Valtiel

  1. Valtiel

    Organ music...

    I'm trying like hell to find absolutely evil, creepy, and dark organ music, leading me to the conclusion search engines suck... So does anyone know anything about this, maybe someone familar with the voodoo vibe organ music????
  2. Valtiel


    Very true, I just find it obvious that you don't stop there with just expressing your opinion...
  3. Valtiel


    No from people obviously so bothered by something they have nothing better to do then make asinine statements, and worry about other peoples lives. As if so void of practical complacency that you need to devil drive your self on everyone else in order to feel like everything is inorder in "doing...
  4. Valtiel

    Who seriously can believe in bible?

    I don't get it, both christians and secularists say science has proven the bible right and science has proven the bible wrong, what one is it???
  5. Valtiel


    So are the I.Q. deficient...
  6. Valtiel

    What Opeth song got you hooked?

    The Funeral Portrait... I happened across this album at circuit city when I was in my shitty alternative rock phase thinking it was all dark and shit. I saw the cover To Black Water park and didn't really know what it was, other then it was metal and I was pretty open then. I didn't have much...
  7. Valtiel

    How many Opeth fans enjoy "classical" music?

    Shit Classical just rules, though alot of it is just too peppy and cheerful for my taste.. Anything thats sad, meloncholic, dark, and furious or pretty serious; That includes Baroque, Medieval, Renaissance, Ottoman, Karnatic, and even Gagaku... I have a wider range other than classical as well...
  8. Valtiel

    Ghost Reveries IS a masterpiece

    While I may find this album not as bad as I orginally thought, and am even likeing it with each listen, it is certainly not a masterpeice in any sense, and it is a somewhat down step for Opeth...
  9. Valtiel

    Opeth - Ghost Reveries

    It's absolutely true, they have sacrificed their talent to be mainstream, exactly what I feared, this album is a far cry from their earlier albums and a lowering of their standards. This is not what expected from Opeth I expected to hear something new, more intruiging distortions and so on. What...
  10. Valtiel

    Science Proves It: Chrisitanity is a Social Cancer

    Ahahahahahaha... Get a life, antichristians are nearly as wose as fundies...
  11. Valtiel


    What do you think a marriage license under the state is, a civil union... I personally think marriage should be privatized anyway, why does government have any business in it anyway????
  12. Valtiel


    No, yes and no, and yes and no...
  13. Valtiel

    What other music do you listen to

    Outside of Metal; Classical = anything dark/brooding and/or meloncholy (that includes Karnatic, Ottoman, Medeival, Renassance, Baroque, and some Gagaku... Prog Rock = Opeth and Akira Yamaoka... Darkwave prog/expirimental = That would be the Silent Hill tracks... Dark Ambiance = Coph Nia...
  14. Valtiel Members' Opinions/Reviews of GR

    I think everyones pretty much gotten my side, but let repeat it for those who missed it... It sucked, from their amazing musicanship we get this highly dumbed down garbage, while not nu-metal material it's still just as shitty...
  15. Valtiel

    Amazing Opeth review on Sea of Tranquility

    You forgot to mention the part where it completely spanked ass...