Recent content by WillShrdForFood

  1. WillShrdForFood

    Hey guys hahaha i work at a plugin company now....( sontec, Spres)

    Proud of you homie, you've came so far in this game
  2. WillShrdForFood

    Longest song I've ever written

    Just drums and guitar as its all I have the means to do right now...just looking for some overall opinions. A friend I collab with made the drums and I used a Line 6 GX and a Schecter Jeff Loomis to record my guitar parts.
  3. WillShrdForFood

    Groovy/djenty song I wrote today

    Tough crowd :P
  4. WillShrdForFood

    Groovy/djenty song I wrote today

  5. WillShrdForFood

    I've been out of the game for awhile...recording guitars at home question

    First off I don't know dick about recording for real, I always used Adobe Audition and my old original PODxt bean with the Big Bottom patch like everyone else was doing back in like 2007-2008 lol, it worked fine for my purposes...I really just need something that good and user friendly or...
  6. WillShrdForFood

    I've been out of the game a LONG time...a couple questions

    I downloaded those plugins and Reaper. I don't have the slightest clue how to use these programs, use Reaper, etc...I figured out how to load the plugins in Reaper and all that good stuff but the only guide I could find on youtube was made in 2011 so that doesn't help me much since the Reaper...
  7. WillShrdForFood

    I've been out of the game a LONG time...a couple questions

    I literally haven't been up to date with any modern recording products/techniques since the mid 2000's. PODxt and Adobe Audition is what I used...I lost my recording setup for a long time and just stopped caring and trying. I'm curious about what is out there as far as easiest/cheapest ways to...
  8. WillShrdForFood

    A collaberation song done for fun... from the show metalocalypse, song: thunderhorse.

    Bob do you still have this song laying around? I haven't heard it in a long time :D
  9. WillShrdForFood

    Hip Hop Beats...Recommendations?

    Is that program pretty user friendly? Is it a stand alone program or do you have to run it in an alternate program like Nuendo or something?
  10. WillShrdForFood


  11. WillShrdForFood

    More fun with the PODxt - New song

    Sounds awesome! What tuning is this?
  12. WillShrdForFood

    DRUM TEST: Which snare sounds better?

    Haha, I know man...I dont have any cymbals aside from default Fruity Loops cymbals...they're all I need to complete my "kit"...I finally got the Sneap toms that sound kickass...just need to hunt down some cymbal samples and I'll be good to go.
  13. WillShrdForFood

    DRUM TEST: Which snare sounds better?

    I'm finally trying my hand at drum programming. Theres two sections of drums in this. Im still looking for some decent cymbal sounds, but which of these snares sounds the best to you? I'm having a hard time deciding.
  14. WillShrdForFood

    KsE - Fixation on the Darkness (TONE TEST)

    Thanks man! :rock: PODxt and an Ibanez RG7421 7 string with just stock pickups.
  15. WillShrdForFood

    KsE - Fixation on the Darkness (TONE TEST)

    Killswitch always has great tone, and I found a backing for Fixation on the Darkness on, so I figured I'd use it to work on/test out some tone and mixing. Just curious on what you think! I actually had three versions...The first was was extremely boomy and bassy, so I did a bass...