Recent content by ze kink

  1. ze kink

    LCR Panning

    I pretty much do all LCR too. I don't follow it as a rule anymore, even though I tried that too, being influenced by Nigel Godrich a lot at one point. "Non-constants" is a good description for the stuff I don't hard pan, such as the occasional lead, toms (though I do hard pan those occasionally...
  2. ze kink

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Ah, my first proper amp was one of these. I had it modded and it was really good after that. They installed something to the back to stop the tubes from resonating and tweaked the eq circuitry, plus added a bias trim to the back panel. I also took the logo off to make it look prettier :lol...
  3. ze kink

    New Gear at NAMM 2015

    This is really cool, and I'll probably get one too, as I work a lot on the go with high impedance cans. Pricewise it seems it'll be about the same as the old Apogee One is now. Which kind of makes me think whether it'd make more sense to grab one of those instead, as I'd really like one hi-z...
  4. ze kink

    New Gear at NAMM 2015

    I'm picking up at least the PO-12 for sure! The Volca series didn't really do anything for me, these are way more my type. I <3 the OP-1 quite a lot. Completely changed how I write music, it's just so damn inspiring. Just wish they did a firmware update to add crossfades into the tape looping...
  5. ze kink

    new logic 10.1 update.

    It looks really awesome! I've been mixing side by side with Reaper and Logic for a bit now and slightly preferred Reaper as of late, but this'll probably change that. Though I'd really still like pans on sends, I don't think they'll add that and I can work around it. The Logic Remote eq control...
  6. ze kink

    Omni room mics, live tracking, and natural sounds on metal/hardcore.

    I agree. I've recorded in "good" rooms and ended up with boring tones that just don't have any vibe. I've also recorded drums in an untreated garage that had wild flutter echoes all over the place, and people liked the results. You really do have to play around with the placement of things and...
  7. ze kink

    VCC 2.0

    Looks really good! I use VCC all of the time, and the hassle of grouping and different sounding oversampling settings were quite annoying to me too. The API setting has been my favourite for a while, so I'm pretty excited for it becoming even better. I actually don't like the Neve that much...
  8. ze kink

    The photography thread

    Anyone else here into shooting film? I just ordered an Olympus OM-1 in beautiful condition and a crusty old Zuiko 28mm/f3.5 to go with it. I already have an Olympus OM-40 and OM-10, a Zuiko 50mm/f1.8 I mostly use, and a Tokina 35mm-105mm zoom that hasn't really impressed me so far. I only got...
  9. ze kink

    SM7 on kick

    Dig it a lot! Just recently used it on a sludge EP. I'd recommend combining it with an outside mic or the subkick mentioned above, though. I didn't and it was cool, but I did need to add a bunch of low end to it.
  10. ze kink

    Little Labs Redeye DI tone reduction

    The older Redeye has significant tone loss with passive pickups at least, since it's passive. With bass I think it actually sounds pretty good so I often use it as a DI, but with guitar for me it's either a DI with a thru, or interface Hi-z input. Though to be honest, lately it's been forget...
  11. ze kink

    Opinion on Elixir strings or coated competitors

    Used Elixirs for years and never had a complaint, although the gap between 056 and 068 is a big one, and for my taste there's not really a string thick enough for a low F#. So I recently bought a few D'addario and DR sets to try out. The DR were complete ass; my recent set (I bought three sets...
  12. ze kink

    What do you use for your go to guitar sound?

    +1. I also tend to record people who have a thought out tone these days. Naturally this goes beyond guitar too. I use the SM7B and SM57 on guitar often, but that's about it.
  13. ze kink

    Live in the studio

    It's the shit. When you add video to the equation, it becomes even more interesting!
  14. ze kink

    Systematic Mixing Guide Update (Free for all prior purchasers)

    Cheers! Started reading today on a flight, and I'm now at clean guitars. New bass chapter was very eye opening, so thanks for that! I've been using a bastardised version of the "vibe" approach on my mixes pretty much since I read the first version of the book, but have recently felt like I need...
  15. ze kink

    One Morning Left - The Star of Africa (crabcore, Sturgis mix)

    I guess I rarely post stuff I've been involved in on here, but I figured this might be of interest due to the Sturgis mix & master and stuff. Helped out some friends on their new single. Having heard the raw tones and everything, I gotta say that Joey's great at what he does.