Recent content by ZeeZooZum

  1. Z

    Just to let you know: We live in a homotheocracy

    The irony here is only gay men watch beauty pageants....Jurched Gay guys judge beauty contests because they are the ones who designed the tiny dresses that only the anorexics in the pageants can wear.
  2. Z


    Really, it had nothing to do with the endless repacking of mortgages into securities which major financial institutions (who were allowed to overleverage themselves) invested in like a Ponzi scheme?
  3. Z


    No, ask a logical question and I'll attempt an answer. Neither of the statements you wrote follow logically from what I said or hold up to 3 seconds of rational scrutiny "So you admit that Democrats flourish only as long as the economy is in the shitter?" I said he likely got elected because...
  4. Z


    :lol: Yes, you are allowed. The man reason I didn't vote for Obama was I thought he was going to be another big government corporate stooge like Bush. Still, I am sad he's turning out to be.
  5. Z


    That's all right. You at least have some ideological independence. You'll learn soon enough that the only Republican in the last 30 years worth anything was Ron Paul. I can't even think of a Democrat I've liked.
  6. Z


    Nothing in your post is remotely smart or logical. In other words, shut up.
  7. Z


    I like how you idiots continue to make up nonsense. Look over polling trends during the election. Obama only broke away from Mccain as the economy started it's downfall. Likely he would have barely lost or barely won if it wasn't for the economy. The fact that the current Obama/ Geithner...
  8. Z


    It' s ok for awhile, but it's started to read like this for me: Jerry: Sue you inbreed hick (repeat 400 times).... stop sleeping with your son! SueNC: Screw You. Rush Limbaugh told me that black people and the Democrats are going to eat all white babies so I have to keep breeding more...
  9. Z


    Oh shut the fuck up already. I had to deal with 8 years of Bush is Hitler nonsense and now you conservative shits are going to whine just as much as liberals. "WAAAAAA EVERY POLITICIAN I DISAGREE WITH IS HITLER. WAAAAAAA"
  10. Z


    Shhh. Reality is not allowed.
  11. Z

    Can we toss B. Hussein and let Keyes be our first black prez?

    Yes, Alan Keyes for president and Lyndon Larouche for VP. They can run on the "Holy Shit We Are Fucking Insane" Ticket.
  12. Z

    Current Musical Obsession?

    As usual, you are wrong. I just saw them open for Meshuggah; they were amazing.
  13. Z

    Current Musical Obsession?

    I can't stop with the new Cynic album. It's addictive and amazing.
  14. Z

    Who'll turn Soviet faster? EU or US?

    Neither will really turn Soviet. The real danger will be, as I sure Ron Paul has warned, if the United States continues on the path of soft fascism/ corporatism. Almost every EU nation that has bailed out its financial systems has demanded returns for tax payers with the capital they are...
  15. Z

    Mystery of Obama's birth certificate solved.

    Oh! I know! I know! People sometimes kill people with kool aid. I like koolaid. Therefore, I will kill people? Man, this is blowing my mind.