
  1. NorseBlood

    Today is Bandcamp Friday

    Today, September 3, is Bandcamp Friday. So what is Bandcamp Friday you may ask? From Bandcamp's web site: "On the first Friday of every month since March of 2020, we’ve waived our revenue share to help support the many artists who have seen their livelihoods disrupted by the pandemic."...
  2. nacho220

    Old Swanö recordings now available through Swanö Merch on Bandcamp

    Swanö Merch has expanded in to music releasing territory! Old Swanö recordings have been remastered and given proper digital releases over on Bandcamp. First to be released are recordings by Ulan Bator, Stygg Död, O ( :the circle ) as well as some compilations that include remastered recordings...
  3. C

    City of Rats - Black Metal

    City of Rats has released a second album, only a few short months after releasing the first one. If you like your black metal more on the lo-fi side of things check it out! Comments and critiques are welcome!
  4. NorseBlood

    PPUSA XX music at Bandcamp

    I'm a big fan of Bandcamp because you can purchase music at good prices, you can download albums in many different formats including CD quality, and (correct me if I'm wrong) the artists get more money from each purchase because you are purchasing directly from them. Bandcamp allows you to...
  5. R

    Rusted Earth - Transmissions (album)

    Rusted Earth from Sydney, Australia released a new album on Bandcamp on May 3, 2018. It features elements of black metal, rock and post-metal, though not in a traditional way. There are 8 tracks running approximately 40 minutes.
  6. nacho220

    Unicorn 'A Collection of Worlds - Resurrection' OUT NOW!

    UNICORN - A Collection of Worlds - Resurrection is OUT NOW and available on Bandcamp !!! Originally released in 1990, A Collection of Worlds, has been "resurrected" and finally reached its full potential - expertly remixed, remastered and featuring fully re-recorded vocals by Dan Swanö. For...
  7. Jearnest13

    Metal for everyone, FYRE releases their first album

    Recently released album from FYRE - 3 Ghosts brings back the sound of what metal started out as with a hint of the newer direction of metal. Blistering vocals lead this album, with melodies that will have you banging your head for weeks to come. Check them out...
  8. Flourishing Illusions

    Flourishing Illusions "All Seer" Review Participants!

    Happy head banging day to everyone in the metal community. I would like to ask a favor of anyone willing to participate. Flourishing Illusions, out of Omaha, NE, has released the single All Seer, off our upcoming album, Idle Wandering. If I may ask of you all willing to listen to some new...