£150 to spend, what on ?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
heres the things i DONT want recommended
Guitar gear (FX pedals,pickups,guitars,sefkgjsdfghklmodulators)
Microphones (dynamic, condendser or ribbon)

i AM however looking for recording gear so if you've seen something highly worth the 150 please do tell me :D
I mainly record prog rock /experimental stuff if that helps (don't know why it would)
I surely meant a re-amp box like the Little Labs Redeye, Radial Pro RMP etc.

It will give you the opportunity to re-amp your guitar and bass DIs through your amp(s), so you don't have to worry about getting the right tone while tracking. Makes you way more flexible...

This only applies if you use real amps at all, of course.
I do indeed use an amp and hmm this is intriguing , I only use my amp for the guitar though would this be worth it with only one amp?

Just ask yourself this: Are you sometimes dissatisfied with your guitar sound while mixing and wish you could get back to readjust some settings without having to actually re-record the parts?

if your answer is yes to this, then a reamp box will most likely be a worthy investment.

You would need a DI box then too or a reamp box that also functions as a DI to capture your DIs. Or you can just go directly into your interface (if it's got an instrument input, otherwise you need a DI box again) to capture the DIs while monitoring with amp sims.

The Little Labs Redeye is a popular choice since it's both a great re-amp unit and a good DI. It's a bit above your budget though, but there are others which are cheaper but they may not function as a DI.
Ok i'll tell you what i have got so we can stop playing the guessing game :p
I have a a mixer with 5 xlr inputs , a midi keyboard and two mics.
Extremely minimalist i know but this will give you an idea of what i do have and dont have