Surplus monies .. what to spend on?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Hai guise! Sorry for the lame thread, but I'm looking for inspiration.

I've recently come into some cash; I've got £640 right now, and by the end of the money that could extend to about £800. I'm just curious what you think I should get to extend my capabilities for making epic metullz.

I've got access to the following:

(amp stuff)
Laney VH100R
Marshall DSL100
Marshall 2x12 cab with T75's, Marshall 4x12 with T75's, and a Zilla 4x12 with Vintage Centuries

(recording stuff)
Q6600 Hackintosh running Snow Leopard
Profire 2626
Digi 002

Shure Beta SM57A
Shure Beta 52A
2x Shure SM58's
2x SE Electronics SE1
T-Bone SC400
Rode K2
2x Rode M3


So in your opinion, what am I missing that is just so damn essential that I am an idiot and should kill myself because I don't already own it?

I'm partial to a new amp, but I'm a guitarist... we're always partial to new amps! I'm not sure if there is a genuine need for a new amp! I was thinking about upgrading to an i7, but to be honest... I don't really need the extra power, and there isn't that much difference anyway.

So what you reckon?
Get Nebula 3 Pro and AlexB's CLC & CLQ. Get the R2R Tape and Tape Booster libraries.

Make sure you have both Waves SSL and CLA packs.

Otherwise either:

  • put the money in your Opal fund
  • get acoustic treatment
  • get even more acoustic treatment
  • put the money in your Fortin Natas fund
When I had money (centuries ago), I would usually do boring shit like, upgrade all of my cables to better quality / more durable ones. Upgrade the hardware in my rack or perhaps buy a new one if the old one wasn't cutting it. Make sure I had a surplus of strings, picks, etc.

You're starting to gig fairly regularly, so what about road gear (cases, racks, etc.) - that is, if you dont' already have this stuff.
Yeah, that's the thing. I'm pretty much settled on my live rig. Everything is sturdy and cased and all that. The other guys aren't quite as sorted as I am, but fuck paying for their shit! :lol:
I'd probably buy my 6505 (;))

Personally, I'd look for an amazing channel strip - it will always get used on almost anything you record. I decided to buy an Empirical Labs channel strip recently and it was the best purchase I've ever made - always gets used on snare, bass, vocals and guitars.

Acoustic treatment sounds like a good idea too.
What happened to the Dual Terror dude?

Flogged that one dude!

I'd come to the realisation that I just really hate EL84 power sections. Push them too hard, and they sound really brittle and flakey, and they ruin the awesome pre-amp signal you get.

The DT was great at distortion - a really nice thick tone, and it could get into metal territory. But for me the power section let it down. I'm done with the whole 'lunchbox' amp thing - they're not as awesome as you initially think.

imho :)
I will definitely be improving my acoustics very soon. That's kind of separate to this really, as it's something I am going to do regardless.

I've got Joey's samples Lasse. :lol:

I kid - I kid. I was gonna buy them around xmas, when we record our new album - just in case I needed to fatten up the kick or snare.
They're pretty good, although it is hard to beat the slate snares for when you just need to oompf up an acoustic snare that you perhaps fucked up the micing of!!

(I am an idiot)