013 - Tilburg (NL) March 2nd. Stunning...


¨‘°ºOrnamental adagiOº°‘¨
Nov 30, 2002
As I stood in the second row on front I could feel the intense Opeth atmosphere very well. The concert was one thunderstorm with gentle raindrops underneath. I got "high enough", and I didn't smoke :)

Glad they took those moshing skins (who got the company of some nu-metal puberts) out of the public. For who who hasn't seen them (which should be really weird): Shaven, troglodite beings - with a blunt and foolish gaze in their eyes. They even walked like trained chimps. They even started moshing during the tender moments, Lonsdale twads :yuk:
AbsentFriend said:
How was Paradise Lost?

They pretty much ROCKED. But they didn't have the generous feedback as Opeth had. Moreover, the started moshing again and that kind of ruined it again.

But Paradise Lost, yes, they gave a sober but great and energetic performance! They ended with the Small Town Boy cover (and played a bis afterward).
PL only played As I Die off the SOG album (dedicated to the "charming men in Opeth" :) ) and the rest was newer stuff. It looked like quite a number of people had already left after Opeth played. The response to PL wasn't as loud, which made Nick Holmes cynically thanking the crowd for yelling them back on stage for an encore so very enthusiastically...

Those skins in the crowd during Opeth really tried to ruin it, I think the security guys of 013 did a good job throwing them out.

Needless to say, Opeth ruled! :headbang:
Even voor de Nederlanders onder ons... hoe zat het met foto's maken en dergelijke in de 013 en in Groningen? Ik was toch wel van plan om mijn foto-camera mee te nemen naar het optreden in Utrecht vanavond :err:
Daan1982 said:
Even voor de Nederlanders onder ons... hoe zat het met foto's maken en dergelijke in de 013 en in Groningen? Ik was toch wel van plan om mijn foto-camera mee te nemen naar het optreden in Utrecht vanavond :err:
Ik zou het niet laten, want ik was dat ook van plan, tot ik op het reglement van de 013 (Tilburg) zag dat iedere vorm van registratiemateriaal (visueel als auditief) verboden was. Uiteindelijk bleek niemand daar gefouilleerd te worden en werden er in de zaal ontzettend veel foto's getrokken uit het publiek en het was vast ook wel, al kan je dat moeilijk merken, een bootleg-playground.
Halfkakkende said:
Can't wait till tomorow!

Was there any Damnation merchandise allready?

I've been in 013 last sunday too... nobody noticed the sound was very bad in the beginning of the Opeth concert???
But about the merchandise, they even sell Opeth G-strings :D
Nina said:
I've been in 013 last sunday too... nobody noticed the sound was very bad in the beginning of the Opeth concert???
But about the merchandise, they even sell Opeth G-strings :D

Midwinter_Mel said:
They even had an Opeth-thong (no kidding). Is that funny or tragic?

So, me and Mariner weren't the only Belgian forummembers at MF03 :)

This thursday 06/03 I'll go to Rijsel (Lille), Opeth gives a performance in 'le Splendid', can't wait. I'm from Kortrijk, so it's almost at my door.
SAMAEL!! Great as ever, absolute highlight. Cathedral was fine as well. Opeth bored the crap out of me (food time!) and paradise lost... oh well. Good for a laugh I guess. I always end up laughing when I see Greg with his new Trent Reznor-like look, remembering his former long haired crypt appearance.
Good show all round. A shame that Without Face could only play two songs, but oh well.

Madder Mortem stole the show for me. A real eye-opener. I only caught their last three songs so I'm looking forward to seeing the full show in London.

Opeth were as great as ever :)
