04 artwork hint.

Eagle said:
There is EVER so much of the colour GREY in the artwork!
Hmmmm ... yes but they were abducted by aliens and not by orcs :)

Given that Hammerfall are supposed to be playing, if you've seen the (hilarious) video for 'Hearts of fire' then there are plenty of skeletons featured in that video.

anyway I still think a 'Pile of Skulls' points to Running Wild. :)
I'd love to see Running Wild, but agree that this image looks too dark for them. Besides, they're the wrong type of skulls (now there's something I never thought I'd say!), and there are no crossbones. White Skull? Again, I'd love to see them, but I'm not convinced they're big enough to headline Bloodstock. Viking theme? Well, Einherjer put on a decent show at The Underworld the other day, but they weren't able to fill it, so there's no way they could headline Bloodstock (although giving them the top slot on the second stage would be an excellent move, hint hint!).

So what else? Well I'm leaning towards Grave Diggerr, particularly given the Ring Of The Nibelungen theme to their last album, which ties in nicely with the Orcs and general Tolkeinesque imagery. Not to mention the huge gold ring in the middle of the image! Personally, I'd love to see them at Bloodstock. They haven't really put a foot wrong with their last 4 or 5 studio albums, and they completely stole the show when they supported U.D.O. at The Underworld a few years ago. They're a great live band.
One thing occured to me, though. If the artwork's done, and it's related to the headlining band (as it has been in previous years), then why hasn't the band been announced? I doubt the artwork would be done until the headliner was confirmed, and if it's confirmed, then why not announce it? I braved the mostrosity that is Grave Digger's official site (all in Flash -- bleurgh!), but there's nothing mentioned there...
I'd like to think that the skulls points to Running Wild, but I honestly think the overall feel is a lot darker.

I feel quite certain that the Skulls hint at a Death Metal band.

Dismember's Massive Killing Capacity features a huge robot walking across piles of skulls : Hopes for Dismember :

I am grasping at straws that are very far away, but it is good to guess at.

Something else I remembered, the guys in the forest, one has a guitar, Blind Guardian are known as the Bards are they not.

Argh, this is fun

After serious thought, I say now...

My Money Is On...

Demons And Wizards

If Evil Nell turns up again I'll have a bet with her.

The blue things in the middle look to me, after not too much thought, Demons.

No apparent wizards, but that could spoil the dark look that was intended.
Demons And Wizards... not a bad album, but I'd rather just see Blind Guardian. I thought Iced Earth were very dull at The Scala, but will have to reappraise them with Ripper... Annihilator -- would have loved to have seen them with Joe Comeau[1], but I'm reasonably confident that his replacement will work out well.

[1] Apparently their Underworld show was out of this world, but circumstances conspired to make me miss it, even though I had a ticket :-(
In my oppinion Grave Digger's the most feasible suggestion so far as Tet said. It could well be hinting at the Ring of Nibelung theme and skulls figure heavily on the majority of their albums. Only problem I can see is that Grave Digger have 5 band members and there only appear to be four illustrated in the artwork, but then again we could all be reading way too much into this :p I'd like to think that the almost 'reaper' like figures in the background suggest Children of Bodom but I doubt it.
Tet: TBH its the first I've herd of it either, tho each to his own. Still I fail too see how Labrat are the worst live act ever they were ace at the Old Angel in april. Tho' like I say each to his own.

Leewill:That has got to be the best sudghestion of the lot, Bodom would rip Bloodstock apart, they were ace in may, fan fricking tastic. Pity the fiddler is such a shite venue.
Bloody Hell ! I certainly started something here . The regular Bloodstock goers will fork out just for the festival whoever plays but to put tickets out at near £40 in November some may wish to know a few more bands before committing. Now here is a good one , Magnum for Friday night headliner ? not sure ?
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
Children Of Bodom are a bit shit nowadays.

Early stuff is better, I hope they don't play to be honest.

I hope they go to Ozzfest instead, with Evanesence and Cradle Of Filth and all that Nu-Metal stuff

I saw Bodom earlier in the year and I thought they were pretty good. Certainly not 'sold out' download or ozzfest kerrang supported shite as yet but I can see where you're coming from. Instead I'd much rather see Sinergy!
I'd just like to say that if you look to the right, you see many, many more than just 4 band members! there are shillouettes of numerous people holding guitars! This artwork really doesn't say much at all to me as far as bands go... I don't really know, the greyness just reminded me of Blackwater Park.
If you look carefully enough and have a vivid enough imagination then one of the guitarists might look a bit like me!!

Also, I can confirm that I will be at BS04 so that must rule one of the figures out :p :p :p
Eagle said:
There are a lot of (almost) WHITE SKULLs in the art work.
Well yes, but are they big enough to headline Bloodstock? My guess would be probably not. I mean I'd love to see them there, but I still think Grave Digger to be a more realistic option. Now having Grave Digger, Hammerfall and White Skull all on the same bill? Sounds like a great idea to me :)