1 year ago today 9/24/04

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
It was a year ago today that the Iron Maidens played here in San Francisco at our premiere Rock club the Pound SF.I helped promotethe gigand it wa smost successful.Mercyful fate/King Diamond tribute "Hail Satan" supported check out their site at www.mercyfulfatetribute.com
I filme dteh girls for my tv show & it was so great to see Linda,Josephine,& Mark.I hadn't seen those kids since Phantom Blue last played here in '98 or '99. Can't wait to have teh Maidens play my b-day bash in December.It's shaping up to be akiller line up with possibly Thor & now the She Wolves(featuring ex-Cycle Slut from Hell Honey 1%er) Fuckin' shred at the rust fsetival girls!!