10 Subgenres of Metal in Cover of "Gummi Bear Song"


Mar 28, 2006
Orange County, CA

It looks like the "Gummi Bear Song" is a bit more popular in Europe than it is here in the US, but I worked up a cover/remix of the song with a friend in Slovenia.

Drums were premixed and sent as a stereo file, so I didn't have much control of that but any comments/critiques of the overall mix and guitar/bass/slap bass/wobble bass/glitched out vocal sample would be greatly appreciated.

For those who are curious, guitars were a Carvin SC90 into Pod Farm 2, bass was Dan Dean samples triggered in the Reason NNXT, and everything was mixed and mastered in Cubase 6.

Thanks in advance!
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When I heard the raw drums for "section"/genre 8 I knew I had to do something funky with it. The slap/funk bass was pretty easy to work out, but figuring out a suitable wah wah part was tough. I ended up using a darker sound with a pretty prominent phase to cover things up...it's no "Shaft" funk guitar but I suppose it keeps the focus on the epic slap bass, haha.

I'm glad I managed to confuse/entertain a few of you. The comments are again greatly appreciated!
God this gets irriating haha!

Digging it though, nice playing and variations. I thought the guitars were a bit too dark though, and I'd have prefered them a bit higher in volume. Nice job overall.
I'm going to take irritating as a compliment!

Previously I thought I could get away with not changing guitar strings by using brighter eq on the amp sim. I've since learned better, haha.