Metalcore Mashup/Cover of Cee Lo Green's "Fuck You"


Mar 28, 2006
Orange County, CA
*Update* Thanks to all the suggestions. I had a chance to balance out the guitar and cymbals and reuploaded the track on the SoundCloud player.

I stumbled on an acapella of Cee Lo Green's "Fuck You" and I knew I needed to find a way to put hardcore gang vocals on the chorus. The arrangement is on the cookie cutter side, but let me know your thoughts on the guitar/bass/drums balance and if the compression is too pumpy.


YouTube always has weird audio compression. If you're interested in audio only or a wav download:

I've been lurking around the forums for a while, as you can probably tell from my gear choices. Guitar was my Carvin SC90 in drop C going into my PodXT using the Soldano model. Drums were DKFH2 with the Metal Foundry samples and bass was one of the Dan Dean bass sample packs that had on sale a few months back going into Pod Farm 2. Gang vocals were me grunting around a Behringer ECM8000 (the only omni in my collection) followed by taking a step and then overdubbing more grunts. Everything was mixed in Cubase and "mastered" with Ozone.

Any suggestions on the mix are greatly appreciated!
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cool idea, but the arrangement is very very boring sorry :p

guitars could be louder, cymbals lower
im just listening on my laptop right now and the major of what i hear is kick, cee lo green, "gang vocals" and cymbals

if you dont mind me asking where did you get the a-cappella of the original ?
Way too much compression, Guitars are very hard to hear, the vox are overpowering everything. Cool idea though once it gets fixed up I can see it being pretty catchy
I got the acapella from, although the site seems to be down at the moment. You have to register for the forum before you can download anyything, but the process was way less spammy than the rest of acapella download sites that I found.

The acapella was worked out by someone else from the commercial release, although a lot of the glitchiness from the extraction was covered up by the rest of the mix.

I'll definitely try to balance out the guitars and cymbals. Still trying to work out a mastering chain that is less present but still gives me the "loudness" effect. I know the proper way would be to find someone else to take care of it, but for-fun acapella remixes I'll just have to hack through it on my own.

Thanks again!
is the YT version supposed to be downpitched by a semitone?

Good ear and yes. That was the only way I could bypass the YouTube screening on copyrighted material. The WMG decided that they would mute the audio content of the video at the original pitch because it contained the acapella sample. Now because it's pitched down a semitone they instead include a link to buy it on iTunes. It took me the long way to figure that one out.