Gaga Cover - Metalcore

PM'ing you lasse

Arin, nah not really man. I only moved to Brisbane this year for uni. I have a friend who sings on my original stuff. We used to live in Hervey Bay. Now I live in Toowong, and him in Woody Point. So biiiig travel time to do stuff together. One of the guys from 52 Flicks wants to start a Pop Punk/Easycore band over these holidays. Will see what happens.
dude this blew my mind! this version is so much better and now i can listen to this song straight threw without turning it off after the first line! haha
Also, I don't like my guitar tones, and know someone here could reamp and make this awesome for me. Don't mind paying a few dollars for it to.[/url]

f*ck you dude. are you kidding? the tone is awesome!

can you give us the DI's?
How did you extract the vocals from the original track?

edit: oops saw it was an acapella clip, lol
Pretty sweet dude! Although my favorite would have to be the Gaga/Soilwork mashup for this song.
Haha, I hear the


Chord on the low breakdowns :D

Quite nice, well done.

/But snare is kinda gnarly ... has like this short wierd punch to it thats kind ... ice pickle like :D
// If your need some more options for drums I could always have a go at it